What you need to pay attention to and do for stronger and longer erections! Drinking coffee, yawning…

What you need to pay attention to and do for

Men’s genitals don’t always listen to words. If you want everything to go smoothly during sexual activity, there are some things you need to do. Even if you want to maintain an erection when it starts, you may encounter situations that you do not expect. When it comes to simply enjoying it, the penis can be quite frustrating.

According to the news of Mens Health; In a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, 85 percent of men ages 20 to 39 say they can “always” or “almost always” have and maintain an erection; which means 15 percent of men. The same study said that only 20 percent of men ages 40-59 are able to achieve an erection that is healthy enough for sex most of the time.

While you can never predict with 100 percent accuracy how the genitals will behave, there are steps you can take to ensure that an erection is as healthy and strong as possible when the time comes.


Experts emphasize that the pelvic floor muscles play a role in sexual activity. Pelvic floor muscles, called Kegels, cause an increase in penile pressure and stiffness of the penis. That’s why regular Kegel exercises can help strengthen erections.


Studies have shown that foods that are bad for the heart are also bad for the penis. Because the proper functioning of both the heart and the penis depends on the blood flow. You can start the change with a Mediterranean diet that includes heart-healthy fats such as fruits, whole grains, nuts and olive oil, as well as red wine and vegetables.


According to Ryan Berglund, MD, a urologist at the Cleveland Clinic, blood flow is the key to a healthy erection, and nothing promotes blood flow like aerobic exercise. Not only does it keep you in shape, it also creates nitric oxide, which helps maintain the body’s erections.


A University of Kentucky study found that when asked to rate their sex life on a scale of 1 to 10, men who smoked gave an average score of 5 and non-smokers a score of 9. One reason is that smoking is a known cause of impotence, and there is some evidence that smoking affects the strength and size of an erection. In one study, researchers found that smokers’ penises were smaller than non-smokers.


While there are few things worse for an erection than a smoking habit, coffee can actually help you. A study by the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston found that men who consume the equivalent of 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day with caffeine are less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than those who choose to wake up with decaffeinated beverages.


Low testosterone doesn’t directly affect the mechanisms involved with your erection, but it does affect your libido, making it harder to open. You may want to ask your doctor if your T level is lower than it should be. If so, your doctor can help you restore your testosterone to levels in the normal range.


In one study, researchers found that men who walked just three miles a day were half as likely to have erectile dysfunction problems as sedentary men. (Twenty minutes of jogging or 30 minutes of weight training will also work.)



We’re sorry if reading the word “yawn” has made you yawn now. Actually we are not sorry! Because when it comes to your body, stretching and hardening are practically the same thing. Both are controlled by a chemical called nitric oxide. By being released in the brain, it can either travel to neurons that control mouth opening and breathing, or it can travel down the spinal cord to blood vessels that supply the penis. Sometimes it does both (so a big yawn can cause the bottom to vibrate). We don’t recommend foreplay with your mouth open. But allowing you to yawn occasionally throughout the day can help set the neurochemical pathways that lead to good, solid erections.
