What you need to do to lower your dementia risk is simple! Dental health is very important

What you need to do to lower your dementia risk

Dementia is a general name given to many diseases in which forgetfulness is at the forefront. Dementia, which is especially common in elderly people, can occur due to different diseases. Dementia, which greatly affects the quality of life, causes difficulties even in meeting basic needs. In order to reduce the risk of dementia, it is necessary to give importance to brain activities. Finnish researchers have discovered that people suffering from gum disease and tooth loss are one-fifth more likely to develop dementia.


Dementia causes a gradual loss of memory, confusion, and other cognitive functions such as loss of sense of humor. Oral experts from the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, suggested that regular brushing and flossing, especially in middle age, may be effective in preventing the disease.

May increase the risk of a heart attack.

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Poor oral hygiene is thought to increase the risk of a range of health problems, from cancer to heart disease. Previous studies have also found a link between gum disease and Alzheimer’s. But even in this new study, there’s no conclusive evidence that poor oral health definitely causes dementia.


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Researchers discovered that having gum disease increases the likelihood of dementia by 21 percent. They also looked at the impact of tooth loss, often caused by gum disease. The study showed that losing teeth can increase the likelihood of dementia by 13 percent. However, lead author Dr Sam Asher, of the University of Eastern Finland, said the quality of evidence showing that oral health is responsible for dementia is “low”. Despite this, he still stressed the importance of “monitoring and managing oral health in the context of dementia prevention.”

To reduce the risk of dementia

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  • Quit smoking and alcohol
  • Keep your brain active
  • exercise regularly
  • eat healthy
