What you have to pay attention to when playing with PC and mobile phones

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You can play Diablo Immortal on PC and with Android/iOS on your mobile phones. It even works in crossplay. For those who want to use crossplay, there are instructions from Blizzard.

How’s the crossplay going? You can use the feature to play on mobile on the go and then continue at home on PC with the same character and progression (crossprogress). Crossplay allows players on the PC to play together with players on the mobile phone.

This is especially important if you’re playing on both platforms and want to get started now. Because on iOS and Android Diablo Immortal is available a day earlier. If you continue playing to the official release on PC, you simply continue your journey from the same point.

In the overview we show you what you should consider.

How old can my phone actually be if I want to play Diablo: Immortal?

How to set up crossplay for Diablo Immortal

Blizzard says: Wyatt Cheng, the boss of Diablo Immortal, reported on reddit. He wants to make sure you set up your accounts correctly to be ready for crossplay. He writes:

  • As soon as you see the game in your platform’s store on mobile, you should download and play it. Create a character and play as much as you want. A guest account will be automatically created for you right at the start if you don’t log in directly.
  • At any time after creating a character, you can find a tab called “Account” in the settings. You can use this to connect your Battle.net account.
  • You can also log into your Battle.net account from the home screen at any time after creating your first character
  • If you’ve done these links correctly, you should be able to play directly with crossplay and crossprogression the first time you play Diablo Immortal on PC
  • If it didn’t work out, the first time you play on the PC you’ll get a reminder to connect to Battle.net on your cell phone.
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    How to link the accounts? Linking on the mobile phone works very easily. Select the account button or tap your guest account in the top left corner. From there you can register or log in directly to Battle.net.

    Then all you have to do is approve the link and you’re good to go.

    Will you use the crossplay/crossprogression feature and play Diablo Immortal on your mobile and your PC? Or do you have a platform that you will use solely for the game?

    Let us know what you think about it here on MeinMMO in the comments and exchange ideas with other players you will meet in the world of Diablo Immortal.
