What you have experienced in the last three months is very important! If you have these symptoms, go to the doctor immediately.

What you have experienced in the last three months is

In inflammatory bowel diseases, it is important not to interrupt regular doctor check-ups. Inflammatory bowel diseases, which deeply affect daily life and are estimated to exist in many people in our country, are mostly seen in the 20s and 30s.

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which is caused by inflammation of the intestinal wall and inner layer, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, is a non-contagious and chronic disease. It is estimated that there are close to 7 million diagnosed IBD patients in the world.

Since inflammatory bowel disease may include criteria such as abdominal pain lasting more than 3 months, weight loss in the last 3 months, and fever in the last 3 months, spreading over several months, it is important for the person to have knowledge of his/her own health history. Other important symptoms are diarrhea, bloody stools, fever and weight loss.6


Stating that it is important to consider nutrition during the active period of the disease, President of the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Association Prof. Dr. Filiz Akyüz said, “Nutrition planning has a great place in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Avoiding excessive fatty and carbohydrate foods, raw vegetables and fruits during the active periods of the disease; It is beneficial in disease management that patients with stenosis do not consume pulpy foods (such as fresh dates, honeycomb honey). said. Emphasizing that patients should not trust any information they see on the internet, Prof. Dr. Filiz Akyüz emphasized the importance of consulting a gastroenterology specialist who always follows the treatment, even in cases such as diet changes.



Emphasizing the importance of not interrupting doctor checks and regular checks, especially during the pandemic period, Prof. Dr. Filiz Akyüz gave the following information: “Patients showing IBD symptoms should go to a gastroenterology specialist and have the necessary examinations done and then not disrupt their treatment processes. It is very important for their own health that they receive the treatments that their physicians deem appropriate, in the appropriate time and dose, that they do not interrupt the treatment with their own decisions, and that they do not disrupt their check-ups on the specified dates.”
