What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning?

What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning

Our Earth turns on itself without our being directly aware of it. However, the consequences of this rotational movement are numerous. And if it were to stop, our planet would radically change its face.

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23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds. This is approximately the time it takes today for our Earth to turn around. a movement of rotation at the origin of the alternation between day and night. But also wind and sea current regimes. Because it should be noted that a point on the surface of the Earth moves at a speed which depends on its latitude. At theequator, the speed reaches a maximum of 1,700 km / h while in Paris, it is of the order of 1,100 km / h, for example. What influence the movements ofair and water.

However, the researchers noticed that the Earth rotation gradually slows down. And some therefore imagine – even if the researchers of the Nasa estimate that the odds of this happening are close to 0 – what would happen if our Planet ceased to spin altogether. In the first place, this would disrupt the alternation of days and nights. According to the theories, we would then live days, and nights, of six months or then days, or nights, eternal. With extreme temperatures that would oscillate between some 60 ° C and -50 ° C depending on the amount of sunshine at the time. Enough to transform our planet into a vast desert in which life would have all the trouble in the world not to disappear.

Serial disasters

Scientists also imagine that if the Earth stopped rotating, it would take on an almost perfectly round shape instead of the potatoid shape that it is today. And these are the tectonic plates which would be mainly affected. Our Planet would then experience a period particularly rich in earthquakes. And by rebalancing, the oceans would flood most of the land. Before finally focusing on the poles because of the disappearance of the effect of the centrifugal force.

the magnetic field which acts as a shield by deflecting the particles of solar wind is also dependent on the rotation of the Earth. If it stopped turning, this magnetic field would pass out and we would find ourselves exposed to deadly radiation.

Worse still, if the phenomenon were to occur suddenly. By effect ofinertia, the physicists announce that everything on the surface of the planet would fly east: houses, cars as well as human beings. And even the waters of the oceans and our atmosphere. What to cause incredibly powerful tsunamis and winds similar to those that accompany nuclear explosions.

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