what will the vaccination campaign look like? – The Express

what will the vaccination campaign look like – The Express

Winter is coming and with it its share of viruses. This is how the government is simultaneously launching, from this Tuesday, October 15, a national vaccination campaign against influenza and Covid-19, until January 31, 2025. Like the previous season, “the campaigns are carried out jointly in order to better prevent and protect people at risk of serious forms,” indicate the health authorities. On average, Public Health France estimates that around 9,000 to 10,000 deaths per year in France are directly or indirectly attributable (superinfections, decompensation of chronic illnesses) to influenza.

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During the winter of 2023-2024, the flu epidemic “generated 1.5 million consultations and 14,000 hospitalizations after going to the emergency room”, indicates the Health Insurance website. While Covid is also still causing hospitalizations in France, with renewed circulation of the virus, as at the end of September with nearly 1,000 hospitalizations. French people over 65 and people with fragility factors are therefore particularly invited to be vaccinated.

Vaccination is also recommended for pregnant women, people suffering from obesity or people staying in a follow-up care establishment or in a medico-social accommodation establishment. People with psychiatric disorders, dementia or Down syndrome are also targeted for Covid-19 vaccination only. Healthcare professionals and any professional in regular and prolonged contact with people at risk of severe influenza are also the target of these vaccinations.

Simultaneous vaccination

The vaccine is 100% covered for populations at risk, specifies health insurance, indicating that letters are sent to the people concerned with an anti-flu vaccination voucher allowing free delivery of the vaccine. It is not reimbursed for people not targeted by the recommendations, thus costing around ten euros in pharmacies. In addition, the Covid-19 vaccine is free for everyone.

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Concerning Covid-19, the Comirnaty JN1 messenger RNA vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech is available for this new vaccination campaign. For the flu vaccine, three vaccines from different laboratories are available: Vaxigrip Tetra, Influvac Tetra and Fluarix tetra. Vaccination can be done simultaneously, it is even recommended, provided there is a period of six months for the last Covid vaccine. “In order to limit consultations, it is advisable to carry out vaccinations on the same day at two separate sites (for example, one vaccine in each arm on the same day),” indicates Health Insurance.

Vaccination can be carried out by authorized health professionals, in particular general practitioners and midwives, but also with nurses or in pharmacies, as in Mayenne reports West France.
