What we know about the Sudanese hacker attack: Three details that point to Russia

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During Tuesday, there were problems with svt.se, both on the web and in the app. The problems were likely due to an overload attack – and SVT was not the only one affected.

“Anonymous Sudan” – according to themselves a Sudanese hacker group – took responsibility for the attacks, and claimed that it was revenge after Rasmus Paludan’s Koran burnings.

But the experts SVT Nyheter has spoken to are not convinced.

Pontus Johnson, professor of network and systems engineering at KTH, believes that the African country “is not known for its cyber capabilities”.

IT security expert Marcus Murray says that it may in fact be a Russian IT attack against Sweden.

– Anonymous Sudan has acted in line with pro-Russian interests, says Marcus Murray.

In the video above, we explain what we know – and go through details that point in a Russian direction.
