What we know about the Ilyushin II-80 plane, Vladimir Putin’s flying nuclear bunker

Ilyushin Il 80 what is this flying nuclear bunker that Vladimir

The Kremlin has taken one of its Ilyushin Il-80s out of its hangar to fly it to the suburbs of Moscow. A flight probably preparatory for the parade of the feast of the great patriotic war on May 9. The device is designed to be used as a command post for the country’s authorities in the event of a nuclear attack.

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For the past few days, the Russian media have been ostentatiously showing preparations for the May 9 Great Patriotic War Victory Day parade. This is a giant military parade that takes place in Moscow and is an opportunity for the Kremlin to show the West the gems of its disastrous military arsenal. This year, due to the invasion of Ukraine, there should be a little less than usual, but it already seems clear that the missile nuclear-capable ballistic missiles will be at the head of the procession, just to add a touch of pressure on Western populations about the threat of a nuclear offensive. It should be remembered that a week after the firing of the famous missile RS-28 Sarmatrenamed Satan-2 by the West, Vladimir Putin reiterated in half-words the threat of the use of nuclear weapons in the event of Western intervention in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Besides the diffusion by the most popular Russian TV channel, images simulating the shooting of missile Satan-2 on Paris, London or Berlin, among the gadgets revolving around the nuclear threat, Russia has just taken out of its reserve its old Ilyouchine II-80. From the Cold War, theaircraft giant, whose Russian code name is Aimak, is supposed to be a bunker flying to protect senior Kremlin officials in the event of a nuclear attack. It is precisely a flying command center. It is very rare that this II-80 can be seen outside its hangar. The last time was 12 years ago. However, he has just completed a very symbolic little warm-up lap before the ceremony on May 9 around Moscow.

A theft of radio communication devices in 2020

Based on a civilian Ilyushin II-86, the aircraft powered by four engines has special armor and is devoid of windows for passengers to protect them from the consequences of a nuclear explosion and to maintain the functionality of the aircraft’s radio systems. The device has only one door boarding. Its hump above the cabin encloses satellite communication equipment and links radio. The plane was produced in four copies at the end of the 80s. It is said to be undergoing modernization. In 2020, while one was undergoing maintenance, some of its communication devices were stolen.

The Kremlin is not the only one to have such a device. The United States is also equipped with an equivalent aircraft with the Boeing E-4B Noac. It is also based on a civilian aircraft base, the Boeing 747-200F powered by four engines. The American plane is also devoid of windows and also has a dome housing its communication system. This Boeing was also produced in four copies and is used periodically to manage emergency situations during natural disasters. The American military gave it the nickname of the “Doomsday” aircraft. A name that the Kremlin would no doubt like to be attributed to its own II-80 to reinforce this fear of a nuclear escalation.

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