What we know about the attack on police in Boulogne-sur-Mer

What we know about the attack on police in Boulogne sur Mer

A man armed with two knives threatened police on Friday to Saturday March 1 in Boulogne-sur-Mer. An agent used his firearm.

An attacker threatened members of the anti -crime brigade (BAC) who patrolled on the night of Friday February 28 to Saturday March 1. According to The Parisianthe attacker was armed with a knife and would have shouted “Allah Akbar” while he was in charge in their direction.

The facts took place around 4 am in Boulogne-sur-Mer. The prosecutor said the agents were monitoring a “sector impacted by burglaries” when they saw the suspect, already armed. The police would then have decided to control it. The suspect, in his forties, then came out another stabbing weapon from his backpack and threatened the agents. He would then have moved away from his two knives, and was followed by the police. Before returning to the charge by intimating them from shooting. The agents used an electric pulse pistol and a defense ball launcher (LBD), but that will not have been enough.

Two surveys were opened

The suspect would then be left to better jump over the police. One of the members of the patrol made use of his weapon twice, in the direction of the individual’s leg. He was injured in the thigh. According to the prosecutor, the man “had surrounded his chest of boxes”, surely an attempt to create a homemade bulletproof vest.

The firefighters arrived on site around 4:15 am, and indicated to the Parisian having transported a man “in absolute emergency” to the Boulogne hospital center. The mother of the suspect, “shocked”, was also brought, without being taken care of. The forties was then placed in police custody under police surveillance at the hospital. An investigation was opened for attempted homicide on police official, and another, on the use of police firearms, was entrusted to the Lille delegation of the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN).
