what we know about the 2022 season

what we know about the 2022 season

LOVE EST IN THE PRE 2022. The last season of L’amour est dans le pré ended on November 29, 2021. What do we know about the next edition of the M6 ​​program presented by Karine Le Marchand?

[Mis à jour le 6 décembre 2021 à 17h50] Love is in the meadow is a program broadcast on M6 since September 8, 2005. Each year, farmers participate in the hope of finding love through the broadcast of their portraits in the program. This is presented by Karine Le Marchand. Season 16 was broadcast from February 2021 until November 29, 2021. Season 17 should be broadcast on M6 in 2022.

For the moment, no information has been communicated on this next edition. If you wish to register, simply send your application via the following email address: [email protected] or by sending your application to this address: L’Amour est dans le pré TSA 21234, 75070 Paris Cedex 02.

For now, we do not know the broadcast date of the next season of Love is in the meadow. For the 2021 edition, the portraits of season 16 were broadcast on M6 on February 1 and 8, 2021. After the portraits were broadcast, the rest of the season (speed-dating, farm stays, review, etc.) will be available every Monday from August 30, 2021 on the sixth channel, for the end of the season broadcast on M6 on November 29, 2021. We can therefore expect a return of the show for portraits from the start of year 2022.

  • Hervé and Stéphanie want a child, Hervé and Stéphanie are still together and more in love than ever. Together, they think about building a house and plan to have a child together “by the end of the year”, before getting married.
  • Franck has separated from Cécile. At the end of L’amour est dans le pré on November 29, 2021, we learn that Franck has recently become single again. He would therefore have separated from Cécile, without anyone knowing the reason.
  • Vincent le Provençal as a couple. If he did not find the shoe to his feet thanks to Love is in the meadow, Vincent has however started a new relationship since the end of filming. He presented himself to the balance sheet in the company of a certain Justine, wealth manager, with whom he is now in a relationship. The latter had sent him a message on social networks, and their virtual exchanges resulted in a romance. After meeting his family, she is already planning to move in with him.
  • Nathalie single, was not ready for a romantic relationship. While we had previously seen begin a romance with Stéphane, Nathalie presented herself alone in the balance sheet. She admits that they were too different, and that she made a block. Karine Le Marchand opens his eyes to him, admitting to him that she has not been kind to her suitors. Above all, she makes him realize that she is not yet ready to experience a romantic relationship, having not yet recovered from the domestic violence she has suffered in the past: “” I am afraid of men. I don’t trust me, “she finally admits.” I’m overprotecting myself. Karine Le Marchand now invites her to do a “repair job” on herself before meeting someone again.
  • Paulette has found an old love. The story between Paulette and Dan will not have come to an end, the donkey breeder having realized that she was not going to have a love affair with him, but to help him embark on the path of healer. However, she is no longer single: she has reunited with her ex-husband, Jean-Paul, with whom she lived for ten years but from whom she had to separate because of a disagreement with her children. They reunited after filming the show.
  • Jean-Daniel single, but … Love is in the meadow will not have borne fruit for Jean-Daniel, who is still single during the filming of the reports. However, he admits to having had “leads”. “There may be something that is being done,” he confides to Karine Le Marchand, but he prefers to remain cautious and not to anticipate a possible relationship any further.
  • Sébastien and Karine will move in together. Love is in the meadow was a success for Sébastien, who met Karine. During the assessment, they admit to still being together, Karine is currently looking for a job to move in with the Ardèche lavender.
  • Valentin still with Charley. It is a serene and peaceful Valentine who presented himself to the balance sheet of Love is in the meadow. He is still in a relationship, at a distance, with Charley. The latter is aware that in the future, it will be she who will move in with him. For the moment, they prefer to give themselves time to build their story before letting go of their individual projects.
  • Delphine broke up with Ghislaine. It is only that Delphine arrives at the balance sheet of Love is in the meadow. The arborist from Tarn-et-Garonne broke up with Ghislaine two months before the assessment, after spending the weekend at her place. She laments that her ex was too jealous, which destroyed their relationship. Ghislaine, however, gave him a last letter, but Delphine is certain of it, she seeks to live a story with a new person who, like her, will not want a child.
  • Vincent le Vigneron and Marie-Jeanne are not going to move in together. Vincent the winegrower presents himself to the balance sheet of Love is in the meadow on Marie-Jeanne’s arm. Happier than ever, however, they confide that they have no plans to move in together and that they will not get married.
  • Jean-François always with Mélanie. Jean-François and Mélanie continue to live a love story like little known. However, few joint projects await them: Mélanie does not say she is ready to have children and the couple prefers to enjoy their life together.

It is of course possible to watch in replay the portraits as well as the episodes of L’Amour est dans le meadow after the broadcast on the TV program. To watch the episodes live or watch them again, simply go to the 6play.fr website but also to the streaming platform. Salto, which airs each episode one week in advance.

Viewers of Love is in the Meadow vibrate along with the contestants in each season. If some have found love for a long time thanks to the M6 ​​show, others have unfortunately separated from their suitors and suitors during or after the broadcast. Find out what happened to the farmers of the old seasons of Love is in the Meadow by clicking on this link.

If you are a farmer and want to try your luck in Love is in the meadow for next season, you can get in touch with the production via the following email address: [email protected] or by sending your application to this address: L’Amour est dans le pré TSA 21234, 75070 Paris Cedex 02. If you are interested in one of the farmers of this season, write to him at the following address: L’Amour est dans le pré – TSA 21234, 75070 Paris Cedex 02 or by email by connecting to the “Love is in the meadow” page on 6play. Do not forget to attach a recent photo of yourself and specify the name of the farmer to whom you are sending your letter.
