what we already know about season 12

what we already know about season 12

DANCE WITH THE STARS 2022. After Tayc’s victory in Dancing with the Stars, is a season 12 planned for next year? The news.

[Mis à jour le 29 novembre 2021 à 9h18] Can TF1 viewers wait for a season 12 in Dance with the stars? Rémi Faure, director of flow programs for the first channel, assured the Parisian that season 12 “is not signed, but it will be”. It is not a surprise, since the audiences are in good shape this year: “It is our second best historical season, and the strongest on the young people”, he reveals. The show was indeed watched by 4.2 million viewers on average, analyzes the national daily, or 600,000 viewers more than the last season in 2019.

Little is known about the next season of Dancing with the Stars. We do not know when it will be broadcast on TF1, even if we can expect it to be in September 2022, as in previous years. The composition of the jury is not yet known either. However, Denitsa Ikonomova informed TV Mag that she “would like to be on the jury again because that [lui] rained a lot, but I would like to dance a little more. “

In the 2021 season, the finale of which aired on November 26, Tayc was crowned winner of Dancing with the Stars. Accompanied by Fauve Hautot, he won 56% of the public’s votes in the final of the dance competition, against Bilal Hassani (44%) and Michou (eliminated after the jury’s notes). This is also Fauve Hautot’s third victory, and her second in a row, since she helped Sami El Gueddari win in 2019.

The dance program with the stars

At the end of season 11 of Dance with the Stars, broadcast on TF1 in 2021, Tayc, who danced in a duet with Fauve Hautot, was crowned the big winner. He faced in the final on November 26, 2021 Bilal Hassani-Jordan Mouillerac and Michou-Elsa Bois. The winner came out on top with 56% of the public’s votes.

For now, we do not know the cast of candidates for the next season of Dance with the stars. During season 11 (2021), 13 candidates took to the dancefloor to wow the jury made up of Denitsa Ikonomova, Chris Marques, François Alu and Jean-Paul Gaultier. The casting included singers, but also actors, comedians and even a YouTuber. In the casting of DALS 2021, we therefore found the following personalities:

The jury for Dance with the Stars 2022 is not yet known. He had already changed profoundly during the last season, in 2021. Patrick Dupond, who died in March 2021, leaves a great void in the DALS family. Jean-Marc Généreux, for his part, left to work for France Televisions, he will not be back on TF1. Shy’m, meanwhile, did not resume her jury seat. In 2021, in the jury of Dance with the stars, we find the following personalities: Chris Marques, accompanied by the French couturier jean paul Gaultier, the dancer Denitsa Ikonomova and the dancer of the Paris Opera Francois Alu. At the presentation, Camille Combal made his return to the animation of the dance competition, while Karine Ferri provided the second part of the show at the end of the evening.
