What was the result of the second round of the legislative elections?

What was the result of the second round of the

Qualified for the second round of the early legislative elections, but in an unfavorable position against the RN candidate, what will be the result of Philippe Poutou (New Popular Front) in the second round, Sunday July 7?

Philippe Poutou had an emotional election night. Invested by the New Popular Front in the first constituency of Audehe qualified for the second round of the early legislative elections but was clearly beaten by the RN candidate, Christophe Barthès. The latter came close to 50% and achieved a score of 49.33%, while Philippe Poutou totaled 18.33% of the votes cast. The second round will therefore see the two men oppose each other in the race for deputy. If the candidate of the presidential majority Jen-Claude Pérez (Ensemble) achieved a score of 16.86% by coming in third place, the latter’s transfer of votes to the left-wing candidate should not be enough to dismiss his counterpart from the National Rally. The task should therefore be relatively difficult for Philippe Poutou, parachuted into Aude for this legislative election. What will his result be? The answer during the second round on Sunday, July 7, 2024.

Philippe Poutou highlighted a “real unity” in Aude

“We are experiencing a very comfortable campaign, the activists from the left want to meet up and mobilize together. Here, there is real unity” indicated Philippe Poutou, parachuted into the 1st constituency of Aude for these legislative elections, on June 25 in the columns of the Independent. “I believe that the activists are more intelligent than the national authorities. They are there for unity” he continues. For his part, the time is not to know who could occupy the post of Prime Minister in the event of a victory of the left on July 7. But rather to beat the extreme right, as relayed by the Aude daily.

The RN on the right track in the 1st constituency of Aude

In the last legislative elections, RN candidate Christophe Barthès won the 1st constituency of Aude in the second round with 53.56% of the vote, against socialist Sophie Courrière Calmon, nominated by Nupes.

The task is not easy for the triple presidential candidate. Indeed, since the last legislative elections, the RN has confirmed its presence in the Carcassonne region: Jordan Bardella’s list came out on top in the European elections in this constituency on June 9, with 42% of the votes cast. Conversely, the socialist, communist, rebellious and ecologist lists together only won 28% of the votes.
