What vegetables to plant in a small vegetable garden?

What vegetables to plant in a small vegetable garden

To grow many vegetables in a minimum of space, you will have to organize your vegetable garden. Install it if possible in a clear and sunny place in your garden because vegetables do not like shade and even less competition from trees or shrubs.

For easily maintain your vegetable garden, prefer to install it near the house. You will then divide it into beds that will facilitate the management of your crops. Between each bed, a maximum of one meter wide, plan a small path that will allow you easy access to your crops. These rows should be short enough (1.50 to 2 m for example), in order to cultivate a large number ofspecies and facilitate the succession of your crops over the seasons.

We count between 50 and 100 m2 vegetable garden to feed one person. With a small vegetable garden, think more about completing your purchases or growing your favorite vegetables! 30m2 will already allow you to make several jars to taste during the year.

To optimize space, avoid invasive species and bet first on the easy plantations and common: carrots, tomatoes, radishsalads, leeks, green beans, peas… For the tall crops, you can plant them along a fence, or alternate them in your vegetable garden between high planting and low planting. Similarly, play on the rhythms of the cycles. Finally, think about aromatic herbs !

Mini vegetables too!

You will be able to harvest miniature vegetables. For this, choose early varieties that you will sow at higher densities than normal (carrots, cabbage, turnips) or that you harvest sooner (But, onions candied whites). There are also varieties of mini-vegetables created by breeders and intended in particular for restaurateurs. This is the case for theauberginethe cucumber and the zucchini, whose average fruit size does not exceed 10 to 12 cm, and for cherry tomatoes (varieties with a compact habit so as not to occupy too much space). Do not hesitate to grow these varieties, which you will find in garden centers. And of course, who says mini-vegetables says mini vegetable gardens!

Find out more about Michel Caron

An agricultural engineer by training, he has worked for several agricultural weeklies throughout his professional life as a journalist.

Don’t hesitate to buy the book: “Vegetable garden A to Z”

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