What to remember from the meetings between the DRC and Rwanda within the framework of ECCAS?

What to remember from the meetings between the DRC and

Security was among the major topics discussed Monday, July 25 in Kinshasa during the 21st Ordinary Session of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). Regarding the issue of M23, no strong announcement, but alignment with what has already been done by other sub-regional organizations.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

Like all participants in these meetings, the DRC and Rwanda each presented the security situation in their country during the closed session decreed on the occasion. Kinshasa and Kigali essentially returned to the crisis involving the armed group M23, a movement whose resurgence has poisoned relations between the two countries for several months.

Read also: DRC: “We have two irreconcilable visions of the M23 crisis for the moment between the DRC and Rwanda”

According to a diplomat who participated in this closed session, the exchanges took place in an atmosphere of conviviality and serenity. At the end of the assizes, the Heads of State and Government of the region adhered to the Luanda roadmap relating to the cessation of hostilities by the M23 and its immediate withdrawal from the positions currently occupied.

Regarding this tension between Kinshasa and Kigali, Félix Tshisekedi, who is also the current president of ECCAS, deplored the situation and hoped that relations would return to normal with “ the goodwill and determination of all “.

There was no bilateral meeting between the Kigali delegates and their Congolese hosts yesterday, but other meetings are scheduled for the next few weeks between the two parties as part of the de-escalation process.

Read also : DRC-Rwanda: progress in discussions in Luanda
