what to expect ? Course of the test

1651713191 what to expect Course of the test

DIGITAL PROOF. In a few days, the Bac 2022 specialty exams will take place. Some candidates are preparing to take the Digital and Computer Science exam on May 11 or 12. Discover the tracks on the potential subjects and the course of the test.

Last straight line for the revisions of your knowledge in programming and operating systems! The written test of Nnumeric and computer science, also called NSI au baccalaureate 2022 is announced for May 11 and 12 from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. It therefore takes place during the short session of the specialty tests (from May 11 to 13 in all). We do not yet know the date for the second part of the event, namely practice.

This modern education has existed since the implementation of the reform of the baccalaureate: it is one of the twelve specialty subjects that first and final high school students can choose to follow. To appeal to high school students who are comfortable with their computers and the world of data, the scope of the fields studied has been widened, offering the possibility of deepening the achievements of the course in Digital and Technological Sciences, the subject common to the class. of Second. Between data processing, mastery of algorithms and programming, the program of this specialty is vast and allows you to touch on the technical part of this field. This year, the principle of the choice by the candidate of the three exercises that he will deal with out of the five proposed is maintained. Given the diversity of subjects studied during the year, it can be difficult to know what to expect for certain candidates. But don’t panic, Linternaute has worked on the subject for you. From the dates, to the probable subjects, through the course and the arrangements of the test, here is everything you need to know about the NSI specialty exam.

The NSI test was normally to take place like all the other specialty education exams in March, but the Ministry of National Education has decided to postpone the series of tests to May to prevent certain candidates from being penalized. by the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on the school system. It is therefore between May 11 and 13 that the tests are held. The NSI written test is organized on Wednesday 11 or Thursday 12 May from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.according to the first details of theStudent. You will have 3h30 to pass these tests, knowing that the subjects will be different depending on the day of your convocation. The date of the practical part is currently not communicated, but we will make sure to inform you as soon as possible;

Of the six topics that make up the NSI syllabus, only five are likely to fall on exam day. Five exercises will be proposed to the written candidate: they can relate to any chapter of these five themes. Like last year, on D-Day, the high school student will have to choose three exercises from the five to choose from, depending on what he has studied the most in class. It’s a little complicated, but it leaves you with a wide range of choices, and the possibility of juggling between the themes according to your knowledge. The objective is not to penalize those whose course follow-up has been disrupted due to the health crisis.

In addition, the Ministry of National Education has classified the subjects of each subject between the chapters likely to be assessed this year, and those which are not assessable in the specialty test. Automatically, an entire theme “History of Computing – Theme 1”, as well as several chapters (within the five remaining themes) may be slightly excluded from the candidates’ revisions. However, it is preferable not to ignore them completely: the subjects can be cross-cutting, certain knowledge can help candidates in front of their copy. Discover the five themes on which you are likely to come across on D-Day:

  • Theme 2: Data structures
  • Theme 3 – Databases
  • Theme 4 – Hardware architectures, operating systems and networks
  • Theme 5 – Languages ​​and programming
  • Theme 6 – Algorithms

Within the five themes, on which chapters can you be assessed?

Theme 2 – Data structures

  • Data structures, interface and implementation
  • Vocabulary of object programming: classes, attributes, methods, objects.
  • Lists, stacks, queues: linear structures. Dictionaries, index and key.
  • Trees: hierarchical structures. Binary trees: nodes, roots, leaves, left subtrees, right subtrees.

Theme 3 – Databases

  • Relational model: relation, attribute, domain, primary key, foreign key, relational schema
  • Relational database
  • SQL language: queries for querying and updating a database

Theme 4 – Hardware architectures, operating systems and networks

  • Integrated components of a system on chip
  • Management of processes and resources by an operating system
  • Routing protocols

Theme 5 – Languages ​​and programming

  • Recursion
  • Modularity
  • Development of programs. Bug management

Theme 6 – Algorithms

  • Algorithms on binary trees and on binary search trees
  • Divide and conquer method

The NSI specialty test is divided into two parts. The first is written and the second is practical. For writing, which counts for 12 points out of 20 in the evaluation of the subject, the candidate must choose three exercises that he wishes to deal with out of the five proposed in all. He will have 3h30 to answer the three chosen exercises, knowing that each of them is worth 4 points. For the practical part, which can bring back up to 8 points out of twenty, it will be a question of solving two exercises on computer in one hour of allotted time. For the content of the test, all we know for the moment is that one of the two exercises will focus on the predominant entries of the programs. In any case, this test will assess your technical skills on the subjects studied during the year. We will let you know the details on this practical part as soon as possible.

A priori, the results of the Digital and Computer Science specialty test will be available on July 5, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and major oral). The fact that specialty courses are evaluated one month earlier does not affect the publication of the results.
