What to eat when you have a stomach ache?

What to eat when you have a stomach ache

When you have a stomach ache, you have to adapt your diet. Some foods promote the health of our stomach, others can accentuate the pain. What foods to eat for stomach aches?

The diet to adopt in case of stomach ache depends on localization of pain (abdomen, stomach) and the presence or absence of transit disorders (constipation, diarrhea). Stomach pain is located at the top of the belly. Abdominal pain, located lower, will be associated with constipation or diarrhea. Here are the foods to avoid and those that will allow you to regain intestinal comfort.

What foods to cut out when you have a stomach ache?

In case of stomach ache, immediately remove stimulants such as tobacco or alcohol and chew food well. It is very important to eat in peace. We reduce the quantity of the plate even if it means adding snacks during the day” indicates from the outset Dr. Pierre Nys endocrinologist-nutritionist. We avoid precisely:

  • raw vegetables
  • vegetables with poorly digestible fibers (cabbages, celery, artichokes, mushrooms or pulses…)
  • industrial sugars
  • spices
  • citrus fruits
  • the sauces

What to eat when you have a stomach ache?

Stomach pain is linked to gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach. In this case, it is necessary to avoid spicy foods and those concentrated in sugar for rapid assimilation which can exacerbate the pain (honey, jam, white bread for example). Conversely, “ICooked vegetables, fruits, lean (white) meats, fish and starches are recommended” defends the nutritionist. The yogurts also soothe stomach pains.

What to eat when you have a stomach ache and are constipated?

“In case of constipation, we reintroduce foods based on fibers to improve transit and we focus on drinks outside meals to increase the volume of the food bolus“suggests our interlocutor. Drinking too much during the meal accelerates gastric emptying and digestion is less good. It is necessary to hydrate outside meals (water, infusion, herbal tea …). In terms of food:

we favor the fibers of light green vegetables such as baby spinach, asparagus tips, broccoli in small quantities, white leeks, well-cooked green beans, cooked endives.

we avoid the little digestive fibers present in the vegetables such as cabbage, celery, artichokes, mushrooms or pulses. Physical exercise is very important after a meal in case of constipation” adds our expert. The famous “digestive walk”!

What to eat when you have a stomach ache and diarrhea?

In case of stomach pain associated with diarrhea, it is necessary to avoid spicy foods, raw vegetables and pulses. Rather prefer meals based on cooked vegetables, with starches like rice. Avoid raw or underripe fruit. Citrus fruits can be eaten in small quantities and very ripe or prepared fruit. “Cutting a fruit into pieces with a little lemon, for example, breaks the fibers” says Dr. Nys. You add to your plate some lean meat (chicken, rabbit for example) or fish. We do not add sauce. You can also take a yogurt or some cooked cheeses as the gruyere cheese.

What to eat when your stomach hurts from your period?

We bet on the fatty acids, fiber and iron. Avoid foods that promote inflammation (industrial sugars for example).

What to eat in the morning when you have a stomach ache?

For breakfast, if you have a stomach ache, we eat light. “We favor a herbal tea or coffee diluted with water. We eat toast with a little butter and yogurt. You can optionally add a prepared fruit like mashed ripe banana or applesauce. If you want to eat grapes, you remove the skin and seeds” emphasizes the nutritionist. We conversely, avoid all fatty foods; pastries, brioche, spread…

What to do when you have a stomach ache after eating?

After a meal that is too copious in volume and in the amount of cooked fat, physical exercise can help digestion. We don’t talk here to go for a jog (which would risk complicating digestion instead of facilitating it) but rather gentle exercise such as walking. Dr. Nys also advises taking digestive dressings like Smecta® if really the abdominal pain does not pass. “If there were no meals that were too rich or too bulky, the pain may be related to a gallbladder problem. If symptoms persist, see a doctor who will perform an abdominal ultrasound” recommends Dr. Nys.

Can you eat yogurt when you have a stomach ache?

Yogurt can relieve stomach problems because these products are predigested. “For the cheese, you can eat it in avoiding those with mold that ferment such as camembert, goat cheese or roquefort“adds the nutritionist.

Can you eat vegetables when you have a stomach ache?

You can eat vegetables when you have a stomach ache but you have to cook them and avoid raw vegetables.

Thanks to Dr Pierre Nys endocrinologist-nutritionist.
