What to do with a poisonous snake?

What to do with a poisonous snake

In France, it is unlikely that you will encounter a snake since only vipers and grass snakes live on the territory. However, if you find yourself faced with a poisonous snake, during a trip abroad for example, here are some tips for reacting well.

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You should know that in France, only vipers and the snakes live in nature. Suffice to say that you do not risk much because, in addition to being certainly more frightened than you, the snake is harmless for the Man and the viper produces a venom which is generally not powerful enough to kill a man (there is about 1 death per year). However, after any snakebite, it is recommended to call for help as quickly as possible while trying to reassure the victim. The viper is a poisonous snake, a bite can cause swelling and pains because of venomas well as symptoms digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular.

On French territory, snakebites that have serious consequences are generally due to vipers. In 2016, the poison control centers reported 369 cases of snakebites, only 8% were due to a snake and 61% to a viper. The cases were mainly observed (90%) between April and September when these species came out of hibernation.

Faced with a poisonous snake, keep your cool…

To avoid any risk of biteeven in the face of the most venomous of snakes (the desert taipan, found in Australia), the best thing is not to panic when you meet it and to wait for it to go away. Sudden gestures could frighten him and lead him to defend himself by attacking.

Snake bite: recommended actions

If, despite everything, you are the victim of a bite, it is imperative to remain still. Moving causes an increase in heart rate and blood circulation, dispersing the venom more quickly in the body.

Then you have to call the emergency services. Snake venom serving to quickly immobilize the prey and begin its digestion, it is better to fight against its mode of action quickly. There are in particular serums antivenom adapted to each type of venomwhich are efficient but very specific.

There is no method to know if the snake is venomous, only specialists are able to recognize a venomous species. Contrary to what one might think, anti-venom kits are useless.

What are the techniques to avoid a snakebite?

To protect yourself from the danger of these animals, we advise you to stay on the hiking trails and not to walk in tall grass. Wearing shoes that cover the calves and wearing pants is additional security against a snakebite. A snake can pretend to be dead, in no case should you try to touch it and above all keep your distance while remaining calm.

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