What to do in case of sunstroke?

What to do in case of sunstroke

Sunstroke is heat stroke on the skull… More scientifically speaking, hyperthermia which can have serious consequences. Better to know how to treat it.

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According to the French Red Cross, sunstroke “causes overheating of the body which results in fever high, flushing of the face, headaches, a strong feeling of thirst or even vomiting and impaired consciousness. It mainly threatens children and the elderly, who are less resistant to a high heatbut it can also affect healthy adults”.

Among the many symptoms of sunstroke therefore: headaches, apathy, ringing in the ears, dehydration, a feeling of heat in the face, a fever that resists the usual treatments, nausea and malaise and even seizures. Because in the event of sunstroke, the body struggles to regulate its internal temperature. If it exceeds 40°C, the risk becomes even fatal.

To avoid these inconveniences, a few very simple precautions can be taken, such as wearing a hat covering the head, neck and neck, drink water regularlynot to sleep and not to practice any activity physical in full Sunavoid exposure to the hottest hours and seek shade, etc.

Remedies for sunstroke

If, despite this, the first symptoms of sunstroke appear, it is important to act quickly. The victim should be lying down in a cool, ventilated place. And you have to give him a drink. The best remedy is then to have the victim take a lukewarm to cool shower. Be careful not to risk the Thermal shock by imposing a very cold shower on him!

If you don’t have a shower nearby, thoroughly wet his skin, letting it dry naturally. Repeat the operation as long as the body remains warm. Of course, it is essential to continue to make the victim drink, if possible mixing the water with previously degassed cola.

Finally, if the victim suffers from seizuresif it has the eyes hollow or that it is sluggish, as if absent, do not wait: call 15 immediately. In this case, the sunstroke is a medical emergency.

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