What to do in case of a medical emergency while traveling abroad?

What to do in case of a medical emergency while

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    in collaboration with

    Dr. Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    When traveling abroad, you are unfortunately not immune to experiencing a health problem. Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo, reminds you of the reflexes to know to leave with complete peace of mind.

    When you go on a trip abroad, the possibility of getting injured or having to see a doctor urgently is not what comes to mind. However, it is a possibility, and it is better to know the right actions to take so as not to panic. Dr. Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo, gives us an overview of the essentials to know before leaving.

    In case of medical emergency on site

    In the event of a serious injury, allergic reaction or any other urgent manifestation, the procedure is the same as in France.

    • “Contact your local emergency services immediately. 112 works in most European countries, and 911 works in the United States and Canada.”
    • Consult a doctor or make an appointment at the nearest hospital, “preferably in the public health system to avoid surprises”;
    • Inform your loved ones and contact your travel insurance to cover medical expenses and possible repatriation;
    • Keep all medical documents and invoices for reimbursement.

    To prevent health problems abroad:

    To avoid any health-related stressful situations during your trip, it is also possible to prepare for any eventuality when preparing your trip. According to our expert, here are the good reflexes to adopt:

    • Take out travel insurance before you leave;
    • Take your European Health Insurance Card with you if you are travelling in Europe;
    • Note down local emergency numbers and those of your insurance before departure;
    • Prepare a first aid kit for minor health problems and take your medications in case of chronic illness. Also have a prescription with the International Nonproprietary Name (INN).

    To best anticipate your trip:

    Finally, depending on the intended destination, and/or your medical needs, it remains necessary to anticipate certain details of your trip carefully.

    • Find out about the healthcare system in the destination country (and your specific needs: dialysis, etc.)
    • Check the necessary vaccinations and health risks specific to your destination.
    • Finally, keep a copy of your prescriptions and important medical documents.
