What to do if we have the Covid (in 2023)? (It’s still possible)

What to do if we have the Covid in 2023

Covid-19 is still present in France in 2023. Work stoppage, testing, isolation… The rules for positive cases have been relaxed. Here are the ones in effect today.

THE Covid-19 n / A not completely gone and cases are still recorded in France in 2023even if we are (very) far from previous years. List of rules in force in 2023 for the positive cases at Covid.

What to do when we have the Covid?

Whether you are sick, you must go to the doctor and consider with him the treatments for your symptoms even a sick leave if your state does not allow you to work.

► If you think you have the symptoms of Covid, you can go for a test in a pharmacy or in the laboratory.

► If your test is positive for Covid:

  • you no longer need to isolate yourself, isolation is no longer recommended since February 1, 2023
  • apply barrier gestures (wearing a mask, hand washing, ventilation, teleworking if possible)
  • avoid contact with fragile people
  • consult the doctor if necessary: ​​he may prescribe treatments to relieve your symptoms (fever, headache, etc.) or even sick leave if your condition does not allow you to work.
  • no longer need to declare your contact cases to Health Insurance.

According to studies conducted since the release of the Omicron variant, we would be contagious approximately a week when we have the Covid but this duration varies according to the individual, recalled the president of Covars Brigitte Autran at the end of 2022 on France Inter: “There viral load varies enormously depending on the severity of the disease and the symptomatology. We do not excrete the same quantities of virus if we have a virus that infects the nose rather than the throat. Of course there is a proportionality between the number of viral particles that we produce and the number of contaminations what we might do.”

What to do if you are positive for Covid and not vaccinated?

There are no more systematic isolation instructions for people who are Covid-positive, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Can I work if I am Covid positive?

Yes, if your state of health allows it. THE Covid-positive people are no longer required to self-isolate. On the other hand, they must respect barrier gestures SO wear a mask if you have to work face-to-face for example or ask if it is possible to telecommute. If your state of health does not allow you to work, you must consult the attending physician for request sick leaveas with any winter infection.

Can we have a work stoppage if we are positive for Covid?

Yes a Covid positive person can benefit from a work stoppage if she cannot telecommute or, if she can, but her state of health does not allow her to do so. On the other hand, as of January 31, 2023, the derogatory system for covering sick leave linked to Covid-19 (without a waiting day) has been stopped. The doctor can give you a classic sick leave with waiting days according to your professional convention. He will determine the duration with you, depending on your state of health.

Thanks to Dr Thierry Prazuck, infectiologist and head of the infectious diseases department at Orléans Hospital. Interviewed in November 2021.
