What time is it ? Check the exact time in France in real time

What time is it Check the exact time in

PARIS TIME. “What time is it ?” The question is likely to arise in many homes after the time change on Sunday, October 30. On this day of winter time, check the exact time in the French capital in real time!

[Mis à jour le 30 octobre 2022 à 01h00] On this night of the 2022 winter time change, no matter what time you wake up, chances are you’ll be wondering “What time is it And for good reason: on the night of Saturday October 29 to Sunday October 30, 2022, the transition to winter time sets the whole of France back by one hour. At three o’clock in the morning, it is two o’clock. Result: when you wake up, your electronic devices display an hour less on the counter. And if you have artificially gained an hour under the duvet, you have also lost one in daylight at the end of the day, which you can see this Sunday evening.

If the double seasonal time change has been in place in France for more than four decades, confusion still exists among the inhabitants of France between winter and summer time changes. If therefore, this Sunday, October 30, you no longer know which dial to devote yourself to, check what time it is thanks to the new winter time in Pariswhich is displayed black on white, in real time, on our page thanks to the module below.

We have integrated this module into our page from the specialized site WebHorloge.frwhich displays live Paris time.

Further down in this practical guide, we direct you on the procedure to follow to know the real time according to the device concerned. You will know which ones manage to change the time on their own, and which ones need your intervention to set the record straight!

To stay up to date with the exact time in France, even with the transition to summer time, it is not necessarily necessary to set the clocks on time, by respecting the invariable rules of the time change. (the hand advances one hour in summer, moves back one hour in winter). Some devices update themselves such as smartphones, tablets, computers, alarm clocks, decoders, watches, but also the clocks of certain cars and certain household appliances, provided they are “intelligent”, in other words “connected”. For all that is analog, on the other hand, it is necessary to act. OvenTV, microwave, radio alarm clock, telephone, watch or even the dining room clock… Each appliance in the house thus gives its time, some resetting themselves to the correct “timing” automatically, others not, making us doubt the “official” time display, the one to believe in.

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It’s not just when the time changes that knowing the exact time is crucial. Everyone has already experienced the following situation: your watch slows down, your pendulum advances, etc. If a few minutes early are rarely of consequence, a few minutes late can cause embarrassment. And no matter how much we go looking for the time around us, cell phones, watches and alarm clocks are far from all displaying the same time.
