What time does “Fiasco”, the hilarious series with Pierre Niney, come out on Netflix?

What time does Fiasco the hilarious series with Pierre Niney

Netflix’s new comedy miniseries comes out this Tuesday, April 30. But from what time can you discover the seven episodes of “Fiasco”?

Fans of Five And Family Business will be delighted. Igor Gotesman releases his new comedy series this Tuesday, April 30. In Fiasco, Netflix subscribers will follow the failure of a film shoot which leads to the most absurd disasters possible. So much so that the director of the film ends up wondering if a member of his team would not try to destroy his project from the inside.

Chaining the valves and uncomfortable situations in the format of the mockumentary at the The Office, the series works wonderfully and is very entertaining. But the strength of Fiasco lies in its acting performances, the actors once again proving their sense of rhythm and comic timing.

Pierre Niney in the lead embodies the director of this shoot which turns into a disaster and carries the series on his shoulders. But spectators will recognize other well-known faces of French cinema, since the actor plays opposite François Civil, Vincent CasselGéraldine Nakache, Pascal Demolon, Juliette Gasquet or Leslie Medina.

Fiasco is a mini-series in seven episodes of around thirty minutes each, which can be easily devoured in less than five hours. They are posted online on the platform streaming by Netflix subscription from 9:01 a.m. this Tuesday. You just need to have subscribed to an offer from the platform to discover this hilarious new program.
