What the hell!? Netflix reportedly wants to relaunch Squid Game with master director

What the hell Netflix reportedly wants to relaunch Squid Game

After Squid Game became one of Netflix’s biggest hits, a second season of the South Korean hit was only a matter of time. The streaming service is reportedly not just planning a sequel. According to a new rumour, a American remake of Squid Game come – for which Netflix wants to grab a master director.

Netflix is ​​reportedly planning a Squid Game reboot starring David Fincher

According to CBR, the new rumor stems from Hollywood insider Jeff Sneider, who is generally known as trustworthy and well connected is applicable. In his The Hot Mic podcast, he now spoke about the fact that Netflix is ​​allegedly planning a US remake of Squid Game and wants to win Fight Club and Sieben director David Fincher.

The director isn’t a far-fetched choice, as he’s already heavily involved with the streaming service. For Netflix he was the showrunner of the series House of Cards and Mindhunter. He also directed his latest feature film Mank and his upcoming work The Killer on the streaming service.

Sneider says on his podcast that he has no idea if Fincher would be interested in an American Squid Game remake. Netflix is ​​said to be fighting hard for the master director to get him on board with the project.

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Squid Game season 2 is scheduled to start filming in 2023. A start date is not yet known. David Fincher’s new thriller The Killer, starring Michael Fassbender, will be released on November 10, 2023 at Netflix.

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In the podcast, we dive into the history of the Netflix original series, which can be divided into four phases. In the beginning it was all about wild trial and error and experiments, but in the later phases it was mainly brands and blockbusters like Stranger Things and Wednesday that took over.
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