Star Wars films have always been a expensive affair. When George Lucas brought the first part of the Sternansaga to the screen in 1977, it happened with an $ 11 million budget at that time. Later in the Prequel trilogy, he already crossed the 100 million mark.
A decade later came the next jump: Every Star Wars film that has been made by Disney since the buying of Lucasfilm has a proud budget beyond the $ 200 million. Depending on the source, we even move close to half a billion. But what does it look like at the next movie?
Star Wars budget: The Mandalorian & Grogu is said to have only cost $ 166 million
With The Mandalorian & Grogu, the popular franchise is back in the cinemas next year after a seven -year break. Based on a report by Collider, the budget for the film is surprisingly low. Only $ 166.4 million the canvas offshoot of the mando series is said to have cost.
Studios usually do not provide any information about the budget of their films. Thanks to insiders and other sources, numbers often seep through that give us a gross understanding of how many resources flow into such production. In this case, the budget information comes from the California Film Commission.
The Mandalorian & Grogu, the first Star Wars film that was made in California 21.75 million US dollars look forward to the CFC. It is unclear whether this is actually the final budget. After all, the film is still in production.
Two observations on the preliminary budget information at The Mandalorian & Grogu
The filming has long been completed. Until The Mandalorian & Grogu comes to the cinema, the film spends over another year in post -production. Only on May 21, 2026 Starts Din Djarin to the next adventure with his protégé. During this time, of course, everything can still happen, as past projects showed.
Is the alleged budget a sign of a savings course at Lucasfilm and Disney? Or should we look at the budget from the perspective that the first mando season only cost $ 100 million? Without further specific information, it is difficult to classify this number. Nevertheless, we want to capture two observations.
Observation No. 1: The well -rehearsed Star Wars by Jon Favreau
Observation No. 2: Less budget, less flop risk
For the big return in cinema, Lucasfilm and Disney will surely hope for another box office hit and no crash landing like Solo: A Star Wars Story, which was not even $ 400 million in 2018, although-after extensive reshoots-he is said to have had a budget around $ 300 million.
Solo has proven that not every Star Wars offshoot a sure -fire success is. In addition, the cinema landscape has changed a lot in recent years. Even the Marvel Cinematic Universe can no longer rely on the fact that every new film turns into a high -flyer.
Apart from that, The Mandalorian & Grogu faces a challenge that no other Star Wars film had to do: Are people ready for a story that you have been able to watch at home at home at home+ actually go to the cinema? We will find out in May 2026.