What studies to do to become an archaeologist?

What studies to do to become an archaeologist

Archeology is a science of extreme importance to mankind. Indeed, historical evidence allows us to better understand ancient societies and their forms of organization. Archeology is both a social and a scientific science. In this article, we explain how to become an archaeologist.

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The archaeologists are professionals who devote themselves to the study, research and analysis of ancient objects, inscriptions on stones and other marks of the past that bear witness to the occupation of territories. In addition to analyzing this evidence, the archaeologist creates hypotheses about the lives and social organization of people who in the distant past lived in certain parts of the world.

It is from this research that theories about the evolution of society are created and that we come to better understand our ancestors, our culture and our customs.

Most of an archaeologist’s work is done in the field, in exploration areas. It is in these spaces that the archaeologists define the need for excavations, what to collect, and how to organize and record the finds.

How to become an archaeologist?

There are two ways to train in archeology, both are at bac + 5 level. It is also possible to continue doctoral studies to reach a bac + 8 level.


In university, the classic path to becoming an archaeologist takes place as follows:

  1. DU (university degree), bac + 2 level, specializing in history or art history
  2. Bachelor’s degree, at bac + 3 level, in art history and archeology
  3. Masters, at bac + 5 level, can be research or professional, many specialties exist

Louvre school

The Louvre School offers various training courses, including one dedicated to archeology. The selection is made in post-bac, or in 2nd or 3rd year, on presentation of a university equivalence. Find all the information on theLouvre school.

What are the qualities expected of an archaeologist?

There are certain personal qualities that will help you be a good archaeologist. Among them :

  • Patience: searching takes time and can be taxing for nerves. You should not be in a hurry or have too high expectations, at the risk of being disappointed.
  • Perseverance: in an archaeological dig, it is not easy to face failure. You have to be tenacious and keep trying to find objects buried by time.
  • Attention to detail: don’t miss a thing. Every element is important and every action is a learning process.
  • Computer skills: increasingly,computer will be involved in the excavation and in the entire project process. It is therefore essential to master the tools digital related to archeology.
  • Physical ability: rummaging on the ground is a physical test, which requires a good resistance muscular. Tools like pickax and shovel are to be handled.
  • Enthusiasm: during a dig, you don’t know what you are going to find, or even if you are going to find something. It is important to keep your optimism to create a pleasant working atmosphere in the team.
  • The desire to learn: the profession of archaeologist is sometimes trying, but above all fascinating. Learning is a source of motivation.

Finally, be aware that it is possible to participate in excavation sites on a voluntary basis. This is a good option if you want to get a taste of the archaeologist profession and see if it is right for you.

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