What single women should absolutely add to their mailbox

What single women should absolutely add to their mailbox

A little tip that allows you to reassure yourself and avoid attracting all the attention…

Whether they are students, single or older, many women live alone at home. Unlike our ancestors, women today are emancipated and independent. They lead their lifestyle peacefully, some opt to rent, while others own their apartment. But they are often also the preferred target, whether in the street or at home. It is well known that malicious people generally attack the most vulnerable people (although women are strong).

Moreover, as summer approaches, burglaries are on the rise, like every year. Thieves of course prefer to attack single women, rather than homes occupied by couples, and generally flee homes with guard dogs, or police officers who live there. They therefore locate the premises, also check the security systems and take precautions to intervene at the right time, when no one is at home. If video surveillance alarms can deter more than one person, another little tip could have an effect, even if it is not enough to completely protect you. But you might as well put all the chances on your side.

In fact, it is easy, on mailboxes, to identify which person lives in the building and on which floor. Information is therefore crucial for burglars who want to take action. So, to avoid telling them that you live alone at home, it is generally advisable not to write your first and last name. It is therefore preferable to write only the last name, or to add “Mr and Madam” before the name. In any case, that’s the advice Marion got when she moved into her new apartment alone. Among other deterrents, she is also thinking of putting a sticker on her door to indicate that the apartment is under video surveillance, but the effectiveness remains to be proven.

After being robbed last year, Mélodie opted for a camera bought for 30 euros on Amazon. “So, I can see in real time, via an application on my phone, everything that is happening in my home. I can also speak to the camera, record a video and I am alerted at the slightest movement thanks to notifications” , she explains to us. Everyone has their own techniques to feel reassured and best deter thieves.
