Certain foods are recommended for proper heart function and to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Diet is very important to allow the heart to function at its best. Eating a balanced diet helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Certain foods are therefore to be favored. The Mediterranean diet is said to be quite effective because it is based on fish. It is recommended to eat it at least twice a week.
Fruits and vegetables are also highly recommended for their nutrient intake. You should opt for 200g of fruit and 200g of vegetables per day to get the necessary intake. Cherries are among the most antioxidant fruits, neutralizing compounds that damage cells and can be responsible for the formation of plaques on the artery walls. Among legumes, chickpeas stand out because they are low in calories and have a low glycemic index.

It is also recommended to favor whole grain foods such as brown rice or quinoa which are rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. Nuts and almonds are also good for health. According to a study published in The European Heart Journalthey are part of the protective foods against cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the consumption of oil is beneficial for the heart, as long as it is of plant origin. Rich in omega-3, rapeseed oil should be favored over palm oil, for example.
Cardiologist Jean Ferrières summarizes for Health Magazine that it is a “diet low in saturated fats, rich in omega-3 and antioxidants”. Saturated fats should not, in fact, represent more than 10% of the diet. The latter can cause excess cholesterol by accumulating in the body and blocking the arteries.
According to Cardiovascular Research journal According to the European Society of Cardiology, white meat should not be consumed in more than three portions of 100g per week and red meat rather two portions. It is especially important to avoid processed meat such as bacon and sausages, for example, which should remain very occasional. Salt intake should also be limited to 6g per day.