What should we eat to gain weight, what should we do to gain weight naturally? What should be the nutrition program to gain weight in a healthy way?

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Having a weight below the ideal weight is defined as underweight. The degree of weakness is determined on the basis of the body mass index and varies according to age and gender. Inadequate body weight and low fat mass cause weakening of the immune system. However, it causes various health problems such as vitamin and mineral deficiency disorders, hair loss, nail breakage, menstrual irregularities in women, musculoskeletal disorders. Gaining weight in natural and healthy ways is also important for health and prevents the occurrence of some diseases in the future.

What to eat to gain weight?

In order to gain a balanced amount of muscle and fat mass, whole grains, fruits and vegetables and carbohydrates are taken, while total calorie intake is increased with foods containing protein and healthy fats. Along with providing high calories, choosing foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants is one of the tried-and-tested weight gain methods. Foods such as red meat, eggs, oil seeds, peanut butter make it easier to gain healthy weight thanks to the values ​​and calories they contain.

  • Breakfasts have an important place in nutrition programs. Foods such as high-protein eggs, potato and peanut butter, which are rich in carbohydrates, facilitate the intake of energy.
  • It is important to include foods such as bulgur, walnuts and tahini in salads consumed at meals to provide the necessary energy.
  • It is preferable to reduce fluid consumption before meals in order not to feel the feeling of fullness quickly.
  • Along with all these, regular sports and quality sleep are also very important for a good nutrition program.

To gain weight, the body must take in more calories than it burns. The easiest way to increase the calories taken is to consume foods that are high in energy. Just eating too much, consuming fatty foods to gain weight, and eating before going to sleep at night are obstacles to a healthy weight gain program. In order to gain a balanced and proportional weight while consuming foods, it is necessary to turn to healthy foods and diet programs should be prepared accordingly. Foods included in tried weight gain methods:

  • Red meat: It helps the person to gain weight in terms of drinking protein and iron intensively. Red meat, whose calorie increases when cooked in its own fat, helps the person gain weight more easily by accessing high calories.
  • Peanut Butter: Peanut butter, which contains a lot of protein and solid fat, is among the foods recommended to be consumed for weight gain. It is very rich in terms of containing magnesium, vitamin B3, vitamin E and folate.
  • Oily seeds: Oil seeds (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts), which are known to provide approximately 550-600 calories of energy per 100 grams, are consumed as snacks by using them in milk drinks and yoghurts.
  • Dried fruits: Although they are high in calories, they are foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Egg: Eggs are one of the main foods that are effective in muscle formation in the body. Eggs contain high-quality proteins and are a supportive food in terms of healthy fats.
  • Vegetable oils: Extra virgin olive oil, hazelnut oil and coconut oil are among the vegetable oils. These oils, also known as heart-friendly, contain high calories.
  • Full-fat yogurt: It contains carbohydrates, fat and protein in a balanced way.

“What should I do to gain weight?” Other foods recommended by dietitians for the question can be listed as follows: Milk, rice, potatoes, cheese, dried fruits, avocados and other tropical fruits.

Example of diet plan to gain weight

The main way to gain weight healthily is to take in more calories than you expend. Therefore, calorie-dense and nutritious foods should be preferred. There may be oil seeds, dried fruits and milk to consume in snacks. It should be taken into account that each program may vary from person to person before relying on a tried weight gain program. Preparing a weight gain program, if the person has ailments in determining the contents, attention should be paid to these and it should be prepared by taking expert opinion. Sample nutrition program for weight gain program


  • 1 slice of cheese
  • 1 egg
  • Olive paste or 6 pieces of olives
  • 1 dessert spoon of honey, jam, molasses (Choose one according to desire)
  • 1 teaspoon of cream or butter
  • 4 slices of bread


  • 1 glass of milk
  • 10 hazelnuts, 2 whole walnuts, 2 dried apricots


  • 1 bowl of homemade soup
  • 1 portion of grilled white meat or red meat or fish
  • 1 serving of rice pilaf or pasta
  • 1 bowl of yogurt
  • 1-2 slices of bread


  • 1 serving of sweet (preferably milky dessert)
  • 1 serving of seasonal fruit


  • 1 bowl of homemade soup
  • 1 serving of vegetables or legumes
  • 1 portion of pasta or rice pilaf
  • 2 slices of bread


  • You can put 1 banana, 2 walnuts and 1 teaspoon of honey into 1 glass of milk and consume it as a smoothie.
