“What should I wear today?” We found the app that will put an end to this eternal question

What should I wear today We found the app that

Stop the dilemma of the red sweater or the blue sweater. An application scans your wardrobe and offers you a selection of ultra trendy outfits. Free, practical and eco-responsible, zoom in on the CloZ platform that we tested for you.

Every morning, it’s the same question. What are you going to wear today? After long minutes spent in front of the wardrobe, hesitating between several clothes, you end up choosing this outfit already worn a few days ago. This free application available on iPhone and Androidthen comes to put an end to this repetitive pattern. The idea is simple: digitize your wardrobe so that choosing your outfits becomes as easy as sliding your finger on a screen. We put it to the test.

The promise of this service? Choosing your clothes for you. After photographing, listing and classifying each piece in your wardrobe, the intuitive interface suggests the most trendy looks that stand out, in just a few seconds. Based on your style preferences and your schedule, it offers outfit combinations suitable for all occasions. More concretely, two options are available to you: “inspire me” or “dress me”, either you are lacking inspiration and you ask the platform to generate different outfits, or you ask it to start with a specific piece, for example a black blazer, and to complete the look around this item. So we downloaded this application called CloZ and scanned our wardrobe in turn. So, we won’t hide from you that you already have to be patient to photograph each piece one by one and enter the corresponding information within the platform. However, once your wardrobe appears in CloZ, it’s child’s play. You just have to click on the “dress me” or “inspire me” tab and indeed the suggestions are quite relevant. We end up bringing out forgotten clothes which, correctly associated, are immediately highlighted.

Moreover, besides the practical side of the application, CloZ encourages in this way to more responsible consumption. With a precise inventory of our clothes, we can better manage our purchases and avoid duplicates. This reduces waste and encourages us to make the best use of what is already in our wardrobe. Note that we would have preferred the app to take into account the weather of the day, but the founders have revealed that they have looked into the subject! To be continued.
