What should be considered before and after hijama? What should be done before hijama?

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Hijama, which has been used since the Ottoman period, is still applied today within the scope of a regulation published by the Ministry of Health. It is a procedure that should not be applied without consulting a doctor, and like any alternative treatment method, there is a possibility of some negative effects. Cupping is also known as cupping therapy. Objects called mugs or glasses made of five pieces of bamboo, glass or a similar material are used. There are some situations that should be considered before and after the hijama treatment, which is considered to have no age difference.

What are the things to do before hijama?

When hijama is done on a full stomach, it should be done on an empty stomach, as it can cause different diseases. There are things to be done before the hijama is more effective and there are no negative situations after hijama. Some of the things to do before hijama can be listed as follows:

  • Animal foods should not be consumed for at least 24 hours before hijama.
  • The body should be rested and the movements and activities that will tire the body should be avoided.
  • Smokers must have quit smoking at least two hours before the procedure.
  • It is recommended to take liquid food about 3 hours before the hijama so that sugar and blood pressure do not drop during hijama.
  • People who use blood thinners can adjust their medication hours according to the cupping application by consulting their doctor.
  • One day before the hijama, the day of hijama and one day after the hijama, animal food fasting for about 3 days contributes positively to the effect of hijama, but this is not mandatory.

Although it is not a necessity to pay attention before hijama, hijama can show more effective results if they are paid attention to.

What not to do after hijama?

Discomforts after hijama, where short-term bruises and scars can be seen, may vary according to the body. In order to be protected from irreversible damage, this procedure should not be done without the approval of the doctor.

There are situations in which the person who has had hijama treatment should be careful not to do it after the procedure. Conditions to be considered after hijama:

  • It is necessary not to sleep for 6 hours after hijama.
  • It is beneficial to take a walk after hijama.
  • Animal food fasting can be done on the day of hijama and the day after hijama.
  • Food should not be eaten for 2 hours after hijama. Instead, it is recommended to drink water with lemon, vinegar or honey sherbet.

What is not eaten after hijama?

For nutrition after hijama, people can start eating and drinking after the two-hour period has expired. Especially honey sherbet or water with vinegar is among the foods recommended to be consumed by people who have been treated with cupping. Attention should be paid to nutrition before and after hijama. There are also cases where animal foods should not be consumed after hijama, depending on the disease and the procedure performed.

The animal food diet is purely advisory, the consumption of animal food does not prevent hijama treatment. It is also important to monitor for side effects. It is also recommended not to take a shower for about ten hours. Nutrition after hijama is extremely important. Some foods that should not be eaten for 48 hours after the procedure are:

  • Eggs or foods containing eggs
  • Cheese, yogurt
  • Butter
  • Milk and milk products
  • Chicken, fish, red meat

What is applied to the hijama wound?

Some temporary scars and bruises can be seen as the effect of the procedure. In order for these scars and wounds to heal faster, after taking a shower at least 10 hours after the procedure, St. John’s Wort or olive oil can be applied to these areas. If the scars last more than a day, they should be shown to a doctor or a health institution immediately. If hijama is done by experts and in approved places, the post-procedure scars are not permanent for a long time.
