what result? Program and latest info

what result Program and latest info

PECRESS. Valérie Pécresse will know her result in the first round of the 2022 presidential election this Sunday, April 10 from 8 p.m. If the estimates of the latest polls are confirmed at the polls, candidate LR could well face a big disappointment.

22:00 – What policy does Valérie Pécresse intend to pursue for hospitals? (1/2)

Candidate LR is developing a number of measures in her program to reform the hospital sector and upgrade the status of caregivers. Indeed, it is committed to creating 25,000 nursing positions in the public hospital by the end of the five-year term, but also to financially upgrading the careers of nurses and midwives. At the same time, for doctors, it plans to introduce a general medicine internship in all medical studies, to increase the number of medical students by bringing it to 20,000 admitted each year in the second year, but also to increase the price of the consultation with GPs by 5 euros.

9:00 p.m. – Changing camp fear, the grand design of candidate LR

Asked about her project for security on the set of CNEWS this Thursday, April 13 in the morning, Valérie Pécresse remained faithful to her rhetoric by chanting “fear must change sides in our country”. She notably recalled that she would “amend the Constitution” to include the “right to security”, allowing the imposition of “strong, incompressible and without suspension” sentences for the most serious offences. She notably mentioned a year in prison without suspension for those who “attack” elected officials, law enforcement, teachers, all those who, according to her, embody “public authority”. She said she wanted to introduce “minimum penalties” for repeat offenders, but also wanted to double the closed centers for minors.

20:00 – The purchasing power shock, Valérie Pécresse’s big project

“We must give back to the French the money that the State has earned thanks to inflation”, hammered the candidate LR during her interview with CNEWS this Thursday, April 7 in the morning. Her “shock of all-out purchasing power” will begin, according to her, with a 10% salary increase over the five-year period which will begin “from the summer” with a 3% increase that “the State will bear”. “1400 euros will be 500 euros more” in purchasing power for “all those who work” she promises, recalling that she wants “salaries to pay more than assistantship”. In addition, it plans to set up aid for families, with “universal” allowances of up to 900 euros in allowance from the first child, “regardless of income level”. Finally, it undertakes to allow a “rebate” of 25 cents on petrol and to de-index the price of electricity from the price of gas, which will lead to an “effort of hundreds of euros” on the bill for French.

7:00 p.m. – What educational model does candidate LR envisage for the French? (2/2)

The educational model that Valérie Pécresse wishes to implement involves a certain number of reforms. On the one hand, it plans to remove France competences, the establishment dependent on the Ministry of Labor, to let private operators certify training. In its objective of “de-bureaucratization” of vocational training, it wants to entrust this policy to the regions. It also intends to create public establishments under contract (schools, colleges or high schools), with parents and students who will have to respect a charter of commitment. The goal? Have 10% of establishments under contract by the end of its five-year term. Finally, it plans to mobilize the educational reserve, in particular made up of young students and retired teachers, for homework help in schools.

6:00 p.m. – What educational model does candidate LR envisage for the French? (1/2)

We find in the program of the candidate of the Republicans a certain number of measures for the educational arena. First of all, she says she wants to create an exam at the entrance to sixth grade, but also to increase the teaching of French by two hours a week, mathematics by one hour, and to reinforce the teaching of the history of France and republican principles at school. At the same time, it will create 10,000 posts for teachers, supervisors, heads of establishments, as well as school reintegration structures in each department. For young people and students, it plans to replace the employment contract with a “young active income” of 670 euros per month, but also to create a “youth bank” to finance studies, with deferred reimbursement after entry into working life and subject to a minimum level of income.

17:15 – Valérie Pécresse’s project for the Overseas Territories (2/2)

As part of the pact of confidence for the Overseas Territories that she would implement if she were elected, Valérie Pécresse wants to engage in economic catch-up for social equality and to fight against “expensive life”. As such, it wants to define convergence calendars, on the basis of social conferences to be organized locally during the year 2022 (based on unemployment rate and cost of living indicators). It also intends to freeze prices on a “basket of daily life products”, including fuel prices. In terms of salaries, it undertakes to increase net salaries by 3% from 2022, from 10% by 2027, for salaries below 2,800 euros, but also to ensure that “no pension” will be lower than the net minimum wage for “those who have contributed all their life”. would be the creation of an Overseas Bank, bringing together the activities of the AFD, the CDC-Banque des Territoires and the BPI.The purpose would be to upgrade infrastructure and finance new ones essential to territories.

4:30 p.m. – Valérie Pécresse’s project for the Overseas Territories (1/2)

After her visit to Guadeloupe on Monday April 4, the right-wing candidate returned several times to her plans for the Overseas Territories on social networks. What does she offer? Its measures are those of a “new pact of trust”, which it describes in its program as “social and humanistic”. This is a program law lasting 10 years intended to make up for the delays in economic and social development, but also to “promote the territorial continuity of goods, services and people”. It also intends to “strengthen the skills” of the overseas ministry with an overseas council which will be held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic every year to assess the actions carried out by each minister in the overseas territories. In this wake, it wants to ensure “true territorial continuity” between France and the overseas territories, which would notably involve facilitating the “return to the country” for all civil servants who wish to do so after at least 5 years spent in the service of the State in France.

15:30 – What territorial model does Valérie Pécresse recommend? (2/2)

If elected, the right-wing candidate will implement her project for the French territories. In fact, she says she is in favor of a “Republic of the territories”, promising the implementation of the decentralization project “the most powerful in the history of the country”. It also wishes to bring together, with the Prime Minister, the presidents of the region at least three times a year, and at least once a year the presidents of the departments. Finally, it intends to establish autonomy with performance indicators, which would give results, in particular for the Corsican situation, where it will only tolerate a “give-and-take” system.

2:30 p.m. – What territorial model does Valérie Pécresse recommend? (1/2)

The themes of autonomy and decentralization irrigate this presidential campaign. Valérie Pécresse is no exception to the rule since she develops a very specific territorial model in her program. First of all, it wishes to increase the autonomy of communities, with regions which would be entrusted with Pôle emploi, local missions, urban renewal, but also which would have increased taxation and freedom in the management of the medico-social sector. . In addition, she would like the town halls to be able to retain the management of water and sanitation without transferring competence to the intermunicipal authority.

1:30 p.m. – Valérie Pécresse no longer wants an agenciarisation of the State

Invited to Franceinfo’s Presidential Mornings this Wednesday morning, March 6, Valérie Pécresse returned to her plans for the administration. She wants to prune it, fighting against a bureaucracy that she considers overloaded. To do this, she intends to “close offices and open beds” in the hospital, “close offices and open classes” in National Education. Always in this logic of simplification, she wants to “remove duplicates, over-administration”, but also to decentralize France. Before concluding: “I’ve had enough of this agenciarisation of the State”.

12:00 – Valérie Pécresse’s proposals against uncontrolled immigration (2/2)

Still in her project to “put an end” to “uncontrolled” immigration, the right-wing candidate wants to have an iron fist that “will not let anything pass”. Its security rhetoric takes shape in its program where it plans to grant no allowance, whether housing or family, before five years of legal residence for immigrants on French territory. It also intends to put an end to automatic jus soli, by ensuring that the application for French nationality is made at the age of 18, with proof of assimilation (in particular a French test). Finally, takes up measures dear to the extreme right such as the expulsion of foreigners convicted at the end of their sentence and no regularization for foreigners who entered irregularly.

11:00 – Valérie Pécresse’s proposals against uncontrolled immigration (1/2)

Presenting herself as the “candidate to do”, she promises iron rigor as to “uncontrolled” immigration. To “turn the page on ten years of migratory laxity”, she wants the French to be able to “take back their destiny in hand”. Among its measures, there are quotas for welcoming foreigners by country and by category (depending on whether they are students, with their family, affiliated with a particular profession, etc.), but also the systematic exclusion of illegal immigrants, in practicing the “zero visa” policy for countries that refuse to take them back. In addition, she wants to end automatic family reunification.

Valérie Pécresse wants, according to her own words, “to put the country in order” and “to restore French pride” through a reform of the political system. The candidate made public her presidential project on her campaign site and she defends her strong proposals to the French during her travels. Her position as President of the Ile-de-France Regional Council highlights major areas to be exploited, this applies to the massive investment of public funds in the health sector, as well as in the training and integration of youth.

Voting intentions in favor of Valérie Pécresse for this presidential election have been measured throughout the campaign, on a daily basis in recent months. From Friday evening April 8, no polls can be published. Here is a reminder of what the institutes had recorded in our compilation published on Friday, the last day of the first round campaign.
