What result for the minister in the second round of the legislative elections?

What result for the minister in the second round of

Candidate in the 10th constituency of Yvelines in the legislative elections, Aurore Bergé came out on top in the first round. The minister should benefit from a withdrawal without which victory would be difficult to achieve. What result can she obtain?

First step in the legislative elections taken for Aurore Bergé. Elected as a member of parliament before joining the government, the minister in charge of Equality between women and men is a candidate for re-election in the 10th constituency of Yvelines. She came out on top in the results of the first evening on Sunday, June 30, without managing to get elected with more than half of the votes. Aurore Bergé is therefore preparing for the second round this Sunday, July 7, from which she hopes to emerge the winner.

Qualified with 33.59% of the votes, Aurore Bergé also saw two other candidates obtain their ticket for the second round of the legislative elections: that of the National Rally, Thomas Du Chalard (28.22%), and that of the New Popular Front, Cédric Briolais (22.4%). But the three-way race that was to be played out between these three candidates should ultimately become a duel after the withdrawal of one of the candidates.

What results for Aurore Bergé in the legislative elections?

Having come out on top in the first round of the legislative elections, Aurore Bergé had a chance of winning a three-way race since this configuration is generally favourable to the winner of the first ballot. But the minister will be in a duel after the withdrawal of the candidate from the New Popular Front who came third. The latter decided to block the RN and called on voters on the left to vote for the candidate of the presidential majority. Face-to-face with the candidate from the extreme right, Aurore Bergé therefore sees her chances of victory increase, especially thanks to the call to form a united front against the RN.

But without the support of the left-wing electorate, a victory for the minister is not assured. Aurore Bergé managed to impose herself in 2017 and to be re-elected in 2022 in the 10th constituency of Yvelines which is historically marked on the right, her passage to the UMP before joining Emmanuel Macron’s party making her compatible with the right. But the results of the first round show that the RN is capable of doing almost as well as the minister with only a five-point difference. At a time when an alliance has been sealed between the RN and a part of the traditional right, the right-wing electorate could turn to the RN or even be divided between Aurore Bergé and her far-right opponent. Moreover, the RN came out on top in the 10th constituency of Yvelines during the European elections with 23.79% of the vote, just ahead of the majority and its 18.29%.

Aurore Bergé could therefore have to thank the left for its withdrawal and its call to block the RN, while she herself does not call for a systematic withdrawal of the candidates of the presidential majority who came in third place against the RN and the NFP in the second round of the legislative elections, sending back to back the extreme right and La France insoumise which she describes as “extreme left”.
