what reactions in neighboring countries?

what reactions in neighboring countries

Russia says it is withdrawing some of the troops deployed near the Ukrainian border. A first gesture of relaxation after weeks of tension between Moscow and Western countries, which remains to be confirmed, however.

With our special correspondent in Strasbourg, Daniel Vallot

A Russian attack on Ukraine remains quite possible “, but it is necessary “ give diplomacy every chance “: Statement by US President Joe Biden. Moscow has announced the start of a withdrawal of Russian soldiers to the Ukrainian border, but the United States estimates that more than 150,000 Russian soldiers remain in “ a threatening position “.

So, in the European Parliament, meeting in plenary session in Strasbourg, we hesitate between relief and concern. This is particularly the case for MEPs from the Baltic countries and Poland, countries bordering Russia.

For Wolodmir Cimoszewicz, the announcement of this withdrawal is good news of course, but this socialist MEP, former Prime Minister and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland nevertheless prefers to remain cautious

From what I understand, the battalions that have been withdrawn come from garrisons that are not very far away. It is not the soldiers who are based in Siberia and that means that if they decide to use these troops, they can do so very quickly. So I have questions, reservations, but in general I think it’s good news. »

No relief, however, for Riho Terras. The former chief of staff of the Estonian army, now a conservative MEP, says he is suspicious of Vladimir Putin. And calls on European countries above all not to let their guard down: “ Putin is not ready for diplomacy, nor for dialogue. The West wants to discuss, but for that it takes two! I always compare with the Olympic Games: Putin plays ice hockey, but we play figure skating! And that is useless! »

For Riho Terras, European countries must remain vigilant and prepare for the worst. Because Vladimir Putin, according to him, has only one ambition: to remain in history as the leader who will have brought Ukraine back into Russia’s orbit.

Relative distrust in the streets of Kiev

How is the announcement of the Russian withdrawal perceived by the inhabitants of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital? Our special correspondent on site Anastasia Becchio, gave them the floor. In a square, Anton and Vika quietly walk their ten-month-old baby after their day’s work. The announcement by Moscow of the withdrawal of some of its military units massed on the borders of Ukraine leaves them doubtful.

You know, maybe it’s a ruse, to launch an unexpected attack, when people have relaxed. For the past two months, we keep getting bomb threats all over the place. Russia is doing everything to make the atmosphere tense but we manage to cope, we will adapt. »

With his bag full of flyers, Roman Miserny leaves a trade show to go to dinner with a colleague. They will talk about business, but especially not about the Russian troops massed at the borders, which do not worry them more than that: “ I have the impression that Putin is just trying to impose his conditions. This show of force is a way of putting pressure on Europe and the United States. And he achieved some of his goals, not all of them, but in any case he managed to draw attention to himself. »

A young girl distributes blue and yellow bracelets in the colors of Ukraine: this Wednesday has been declared a day of national unity.

How does this climate of tension affect French companies in Kiev?

Answer with Bertrand Barrier, associate lawyer at the Jeantet law firm in Kiev and president of the Franco-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce.

On current or planned investments, people are waiting to see in which direction events will go. The situation is serious but we hope that the diplomatic voice will find a solution, it is a shared vision. Within the French business community present in Ukraine, people are rather calm about the possible outcome. We remain positive, there is no panic today.
