What place for caricature in Europe?

What place for caricature in Europe

Ten years after the jihadist attack against the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdowhat about freedom of expression and caricatures?

In Denmark, the offense of blasphemy

It is at Denmark that the newspaper Jyllands-Posten first published the caricatures of Mohammed in 2005. Then taken up by Charlie Hebdo. The two publications therefore had very special links. But following the burning of the Koran, the Danish government reinstated the offense of blasphemy in 2023. Aske MunckDanish journalist corresponding to Paris from Weekend advisoriesclosely followed this emblematic issue for the two countries.

Also readIn Denmark, the Charlie spirit is no longer

In Portugal, caricature is doing well

As evidenced by the multi-award winning designer of theEspresso Antonio. At 71 years old, he is a reference in the profession and his rule was to always keep his back in the event of controversy, including when one of his drawings was published in the New York Times caused an outcry. In Lisbon, Marie-Line Darcy.

Fake news from Antiquity to the present day

Social networks, an incredible sounding board for controversies and fake news…But is fake news contemporary with the internet? Certainly not, says an exhibition that the European House of History has just opened in Budapest. We learn that the falsification of facts, documents and the fabrication of false events date back to Antiquity! The new museum aims to explore the shared past of Europeans in partnership, and this is not a detail, with the Open Society of American philanthropist George Soros, bête noire of the Hungarian regime. Visit to Budapest with Florence Labruyere.

Bulgaria, the end of border controls

It has been in effect since this month, Bulgaria just like the Romania have fully accessed the Schengen area, the European area without borders and without controls. It was necessary to wait 18 years after their accession to the European Union for this opening to become effective. The impact on trade and road transport has already been assessed, but individuals are also delighted with this measure which is not only symbolic, because it will save them long hours of waiting at border posts. Report from Bulgaria Damian Vodenicharov.

Also readRomania and Bulgaria in the Schengen area: a welcome boost for their economies
