what philosophy subjects fell last year?

what philosophy subjects fell last year

For this 2022 baccalaureate, revisions will be more intense than in 2021, due to a less restrictive health context. The tests, set up with the reform of the baccalaureate, begin in mid-May. If the tests will be more complete in 2022, taking a look at the annals of last year’s baccalaureate can still be useful to you!

[Mis à jour le 10 mai 2022 à 11h43] What annals do we have for this edition of the baccalaureate? The 2022 baccalaureate will be different from that of last year, when the continuous assessment constituted almost all of the note final to graduate. In 2021, the baccalaureate did not have much to do with an exam, since only two final tests were maintained in Terminale: that of the great oral and that of philosophy. But in 2022, the health measures being for the most part lifted, the events will be able to take place relatively normally, with some adjustments. The specialty tests are the new element: included in the reform of the baccalaureate, they are being held for the first time this year. As for philosophy and the great oral, consulting the annals of subjects who have fallen in the past can be very useful. Go through this article to practice using the 2021 baccalaureate subjects.

The Philosophy Test

During the previous edition of the baccalaureate, high school students had the choice between an essay and an explanation of text. Among the essays, they had to decide between three different choices:

  • Dissertation 1: To discuss, is it to renounce violence?
  • Dissertation 2: Does the unconscious escape all forms of knowledge?
  • Essay 3: Are we responsible for the future?

And have only one choice for the text explanation:

  • Text Explanation: This is an excerpt from Durkheim, “De la Division du travail social” (1893). This text evokes the philosophical notions of work, morality and society.

The French test

In mainland France 1 on June 17, 2021, Première students had the choice between a text commentary and an essay.

  • Option 1: Text commentary: The novel and the story from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. Georges Perec, “Things” (1965). The beginning of this novel evokes the situation of a young couple, Sylvie and Jérôme, who live in a cramped apartment in Paris, at the beginning of the 1960s.
  • Option 2: Dissertation: Poetry from the 19th century to the 21st century.
    • Subject A) Victor Hugo, The Contemplations. Journey: the memories of a soul. In the preface to Les Contemplations, Victor Hugo describes his collection as a mirror held up to readers. How does this image reflect your reading of the first four books in the collection?
      • Subject B) Baudelaire, The Flowers of Evil. Course: poetic alchemy, mud and gold. Baudelaire has been criticized for “painting everything, laying bare everything” in his collection Les Fleurs du Mal. What do you think ?
      • Subject C) Guillaume Apollinaire, Alcohols. Journey: poetic modernity? Does Guillaume Apollinaire’s poetry invent itself by rejecting the past?

In metropolis France 2 on June 17, 2021, the students of Première had the choice between a text commentary and an essay.

  • Option 1: Text commentary: Poetry from the 19th century to the 21st century. Valéry Larbaud, The Poems of AO Barnabooth, 1913.
    A poet and traveler from the beginning of the 20th century, Valéry Larbaud invented the character of Archibald Olson Barnabooth, who shared with him a taste for travel.
  • Option 2: Dissertation: Theater from the 17th century to the 21st century.
    • Subject A) Molière, The Imaginary Invalid. Course: show and comedy. Is the comedy Le Malade imaginaire a show of pure fantasy?
    • Subject B) Marivaux, The False Confidences. Course: theater and stratagem. In Les Fausses Confidences by Marivaux, is the theatrical stratagem only a comic device?
    • Subject C) Jean-Luc Lagarce, Just the end of the world. Journey: personal crisis, family crisis. Would you say that Jean-Luc Lagarce’s play Just the End of the World is an intimate drama?

After the specialty lessons in mid-May, the Terminales pass their big oral. Effectively set up in 2021, it is held this year from Monday June 20 to Friday July 1, 2022. This oral aims to assess students’ skills, in particular their mastery of speaking and their ability to develop reflection . It also allows the high school student to put the knowledge acquired during his course at the service of an argument, in particular to explain how the chosen specialty teaching has guided him in his plan to continue his studies. This oral, if it consists in particular of a presentation, is above all an exchange with the jury, which will seek to identify the candidate’s orientation project, but also to test the solidity of his knowledge. It will therefore focus on the specialist courses chosen and followed throughout the year by the candidate, but also on his professional project. The jury’s questions are very personalized, so there are no annals to speak of. To prepare yourself as well as possible, you can consult our dedicated paper:

In mainland France, the session of specialty tests is being held this week, from Wednesday May 11. They take place for the first time. This novelty of twelve tests, one per specialty education, was introduced by the reform of the baccalaureate. Applicants will only be assessed on the two subjects they chose to study during their senior year. There are 12 in all: Arts, Biology-Ecology, History-Geo, Geopolitics and Political Science, Humanity, Literature and Philosophy, Literature Languages ​​and Foreign and Regional Cultures, Literature, Languages, and Cultures of Antiquity, Mathematics, Digital and computer sciences, physics and chemistry, SVT, engineering sciences, economics and social sciences. Each is assessed in a very specific way, depending on the program followed by the students: if each specialty is assessed in part with a written test, some give rise to an oral, to practice… Consult our special page above to find out more about this novelty of the baccalaureate reform as well as about subjects who fell in Polynesia in May 2022.
