What Path Does the New Witcher Game Follow?

What Path Does the New Witcher Game Follow

The video game world is shaking up with CD Projekt Red’s highly anticipated new Witcher game. But what kind of challenges does this game face compared to the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel? Here are the details.

CD Projekt Red, as well new Witcher game as well as Cyberpunk 2077 is making plans to release new games in its series. However, since these two series have their own unique dynamics, it looks like the developer is facing important decisions.

The possibility that the story context of the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel will be different from the next game of The Witcher series shows how different these two games can be. Both series will focus on new stories, but that doesn’t mean they won’t have any connections to their predecessors. Although there is still very little information about the sequel of Cyberpunk 2077, it is a matter of curiosity how the end of the game will carry the story of V and Johnny.

What Path Does the New Witcher Game Follow?

How Will the New Witcher Game Compare to the Sequel to Cyberpunk 2077?

The Witcher series revolves around Geralt, and this shows up in the games and other adaptations. This means that adaptations such as the Netflix TV series and the original novels also focus on Geralt’s story. In contrast, Cyberpunk 2077 is based on a tabletop role-playing game, and V can be customized as one of the game’s original characters.

These different approaches suggest that Cyberpunk 2077’s world is better suited to telling stories that don’t involve customizable heroes. Geralt’s story comes to a full conclusion in The Witcher 3, and while the world of The Witcher is rich and interesting, the fact remains that Geralt is the face of this series.

New Witcher game, will find itself being compared to previous games. How will CD Projekt Red use Geralt to redefine this iconic series? This question is important enough to maintain interest in the Witcher universe and fascinate players.

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What Could the Witcher 4 Story Be Like?

If The Witcher 4 story is going to revolve around the Lynx School, it looks like it will be tied to a fan post. Although Ciri has always been associated with the Lynx School, Geralt’s Wolf School, other schools are also found in the books and games, such as the Manitcore, Bear, Griffin, Crane, and Viper Schools. However, there is no Lynx School.

Lynx appears on the Witcher Wiki based on fan-generated theories. The story is that the sorceress Keira Metz and the witcher Lambert transformed what was left of the Lynx School after the events of the Battle of Kaer Morhen into a new Lynx School and a new Witcher training school. However, this has been linked to two characters who can die in The Witcher 3, so it’s an interesting connection.

Another theory is that Ciri started her own Witcher school under Lynx and the Wolf School merged. After all, the lynx is a type of wild cat that frequently has gray fur and lives in cold regions.

Interestingly, in a recent interview, CDPR’s narrative director Philipp Weber was asked where he wanted the Witcher 4 story to take place. Weber seemed to avoid revealing anything: “I’m actually working on the new Witcher Saga, so what I tell you right now would be versatile.”

However, he gave a very diplomatic answer and stated that he wanted to return to the northern kingdom of Temeria and its capital, Vizima: “I always want to return to Temeria and Vizima and see what it looks like now”.

What Path Does the New Witcher Game Follow?  -2

What Path Does the New Witcher Game Follow?

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Witcher 4’s Release Date Is Probably Far Away

In an interview, CD Projekt Red’s president Adam Kicinski said that the game will take at least three years to develop, and that we should not expect Witcher 4 to be released before 2025. This shows that the game will not be released before 2025. However, we can be ready for its release any time after 2025.

He also said, in response to a question about the development timeline of the new trilogy, “We are preparing technologies for Polaris. This is the first project developed with the new engine Unreal Engine 5. Some extra work is needed to make this technology suitable for massive, open world and story-driven games “So for this project, we definitely need to put in extra effort. The second and third parts will go smoother because the technology will be better and better tools will be there, but that’s all I can say for now,” he said.

In a follow-up question, he was asked if it was reasonable to assume that The Witcher 4 would take longer than three years to develop, to which Kicinski said, “Yes, it does.”
