What object to recycle to make your seedlings?

What object to recycle to make your seedlings

Whether it is to seed flowers, herbs, vegetables or make cuttings, get in the habit of recycling everyday objects that would normally go to the trash. How to grow your little seeds, while being responsible and saving money. We tell you everything.

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How to promote household waste in the garden ? Quite simply by recovering original containers such as a box of eggs or a roll of toilet paper to carry out gardening actions and replace containers in plastic. From January, in the shelter, operate your first sowing.

Toilet paper rolls

When your rollers are neutral, without ink, you can keep them in order to prepare your seedlings in the spring, whole or cut in half vertically. Once filled with horticultural potting soil, place one to two seeds at the recommended depth, place a little potting soil on top and tamp. Mist regularly and place them in a bright room. Once the young shoots have emerged, you can transplant directly in the vegetable garden, in planters or flower beds. If your rolls are 100% cardboard biodegradable, they will decompose in the ground. No more plastic or peat pots, costly and harmful to the planet.

Egg cartons

At 6, 10, 12 or 24 places, the egg cartons are very practical for sowing, at all seasons. Once filled with potting soil and seed, store them in a room outside gel and bright. Either you will cut out the box in order to plant each cell directly on its final location, or you will take the young shoot with a fork so as not to damage the roots and practice transplanting.

Tin cans

To make seedlings or plantings, use tin cans that have been cleaned and have holes in the bottom. Place a little gravel, pebbles or sand in the background to create a drainage perfect. Fill them with potting soil then sow the seeds at your convenience. The tin can make it possible to obtain beautiful plants before moving on to the final planting. Do not forget to label the boxes to note the name of the plants under cultivation.

And the other improvised containers

Cartons of milk, eggshells, sheets of absorbent paper (paper towels), empty coffee capsules, fruit and vegetable trays, empty water bottles and many other everyday objects that end their trip in the trash can be used for your gardening sessions. Sow seeds, grow cuttings, serve as a greenhouse, so many useful things for the gardener to discover. Always make sure there are drain holes in the bottom.

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