What is vitamin D used for, how much should it be? What contains vitamin D? Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and diseases seen in vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D levels below 12 ml are considered low levels. In vitamin D deficiency, muscles become weaker, leading to constant fatigue and teeth may lose their health. In addition, osteoporosis, asthma and respiratory tract infections are among the diseases seen in vitamin D deficiency.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is one of the important vitamins that is involved in skin and cell formation, bone development and calcium absorption, as well as many other benefits. Vitamin D, which is fat-soluble and stored in the body, has an important role especially in muscle and skeletal system functions. Vitamin D can be obtained by exposing the skin to sunlight and through nutritional supplements.

Vitamin D, which has two main forms, is called D2 and D3. Vitamin D is necessary for the proper absorption and use of minerals such as calcium and phosphate in the body. It also plays a role in supporting immune system functions and cell growth and division.

What is the use of vitamin D?

Like almost every vitamin, vitamin D also has some functions for the human body. Vitamin D supports calcium absorption in the intestines. It can also provide bone mineralization. Another point where vitamin D works is to regulate blood, calcium and phosphate levels. Vitamin D, which plays a major role in bone development, also provides bone growth and formation. In addition to all these, vitamin D can prevent osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children.

How much vitamin D should I have?

Although the vitamin D ratio varies according to age and gender, there is generally a level that should be there. The normal range for vitamin D in humans is between 20 and 50 ml. Vitamin D that is 12 ml and below is considered to be less than what the body needs. Vitamin D should be between 12 and 20 ml in children, while it should not be below 30 ml in adults.

What are the benefits of vitamin D?

The benefits of vitamin D, which is one of the vitamins necessary for the body to feel fit and to perform all its functions completely, can be listed as follows:

  • Vitamin D, found in sufficient amounts in the body, contributes to the strengthening of bones and the preservation of bone density.
  • It supports the proper functioning of the immune system and strengthens the defense against infections.
  • Vitamin D regulates the function of nerve cells and supports neurotransmission.
  • Vitamin D, which increases muscle strength and performance, is also very beneficial in terms of muscle strengthening, reducing muscle cramps and preventing muscle pain.
  • According to research, adequate levels of vitamin D prevent the growth of cancer cells and reduce the risk of cancer.

What contains vitamin D?

Since vitamin D is naturally found in very few foods, commercial products can be used to enrich the food with vitamin D and can be used as a supplement. Vitamin D, which is found in different amounts in different foods, can be obtained mostly from sunlight. Vitamin D-containing foods and vitamin D obtained from the sun are found in milk and dairy products, oily fish, egg yolk and grains. In addition, vitamin D supplements can be taken with the advice of a doctor.

Which foods contain vitamin D?

Vitamin D content varies among foods. Although some foods contain more or less vitamin D, you can get vitamin D through sun exposure and diet. Which foods contain vitamin D? The question can be answered as follows:

  • Oily fish (salmon, sardine, mackerel, tuna, etc.)
  • Liver,
  • Milk and dairy products (yoghurt, cheese)
  • Fungi and some plants,
  • Egg yolk,
  • Foods fortified with vitamin D (orange juice, breakfast cereals, grains, and breads)
  • Supplements,
  • Baby food.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency is defined as being below 20 ml. Vitamin levels lower than this rate negatively affect the skeletal system. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms can be listed as follows:

  • Muscle and bone pain,
  • Muscle weakness and cramps,
  • Burnout,
  • Feelings of fatigue and depression,
  • Bent bones and abnormal growths,
  • Deformations in the joints,
  • Immune system problems,
  • Cardiovascular health problems.

Diseases seen in vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency negatively affects calcium absorption and metabolism. In this context, hypocalcemia can be seen in vitamin D deficiency. Bone health problems are also among the most common diseases in vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency causes diseases such as softening and weakening of bones. Deficiency also causes some immune system problems and respiratory tract infections, and also causes depression and mood problems.

Vitamin D deficiency, which causes muscle weakness and pain Vitamin D medications It plays a big role. Medicines that should be taken with a doctor’s advice help eliminate vitamin D deficiency.
