What is urethritis, what are its symptoms? Urethritis treatment

Urethritis is a bacterial or viral inflammation of the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The first step in preventing this disease is effective protection, and public awareness is of great importance. When the disease occurs, it must be treated with appropriate antibiotics.

What is urethritis?

Urethritis is defined as inflammation of the urethra, usually due to sexually transmitted infections, and this condition can cause swelling and pain in the urethra.

The urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. Inflammation occurs in the urethra when bacteria or viruses affect this tube. Sexually transmitted infections are the most common causes of this type of inflammation.

With the onset of urethritis, a person may experience various symptoms. The most common symptoms include pain during urination and discomfort during sexual intercourse. In addition, symptoms such as itching in the urethra and discharge from the penis area may also occur.

What causes urethritis?

Sexually transmitted infections are one of the most common causes of urethritis. In addition to gonorrhea, other sexually transmitted diseases that can cause urethritis include chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes. In response to the questions “What causes urethritis in women and what causes urethritis in men?”; Factors that can cause urethritis are as follows:

  • Gonorrhea
  • Chlamydia
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Genital herpes
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Yeast infections
  • Irritating substances
  • Hard squeezing of the penis
  • Physical activities that put pressure on the urethra

Urethritis symptoms usually become apparent 4 to 7 days after the bacteria enter the body. However, some patients may also have an asymptomatic course. The symptoms of the disease mostly affect the genitals and differ in men and women.

Symptoms of urethritis in men may include:

  • Pain and burning during urination
  • Yellow, green or white discharge on the penis
  • Redness at the tip of the penis and itching in the inner area
  • Painful and swollen testicles

About 10% of infected men may not show any symptoms.

Symptoms of urethritis in women may occur as follows:

  • Vaginal discharge
  • Itching outside the genital area
  • Painful and burning urination
  • Vaginal bleeding outside of menstrual period or after sexual intercourse
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area

These symptoms are important to understand the effects of urethritis and to begin the treatment process.

Is urethritis dangerous?

If left untreated, urethritis can lead to more serious health problems in the future.

How to cure urethritis?

In the treatment of urethritis in men and urethritis in women, an appropriate treatment plan is created after a definitive diagnosis is made as a result of urological evaluations in the patients who apply. The treatment process of urethritis is determined according to the cause of the infection: If the cause is bacteria, antibiotics are preferred, if it is a virus, antiviral drugs are preferred.

In some cases, treatment of urethritis can be more complex. Especially in areas where sexually transmitted diseases are common, more resistant microorganisms may cause infection. In such cases, advanced tests such as culture and antibiogram may be necessary.
