What is this new alert message on Windows 11?

What is this new alert message on Windows 11

From the next update, Microsoft has decided to permanently display an alert message if your PC is not optimized for Windows 11. Users are already complaining, but Microsoft does not intend to remove it.

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System requirements not met. Go to settings to learn more “. Here is the new message that will appear with the next windows 11 update. It is not a virus or a bugbut it’s just a signed warning message Microsoft. In the visuals uploaded by The Vergewe discover that the message appears at the bottom of the screen, just above the icons of notifications and the clock.

What is it about ? In fact, Microsoft has decided to warn users of Windows 11 who installed the operating system on unsupported hardware. You should know that when you install an operating system, whether Windows or Mac, there is a minimum configuration for everything to work properly. For Windows 11, you need a processor dual-core clocked at at least 1 GHz, 4 GB of random access memory and at least 64 GB of free hard disk space.

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Some users do not take this into account, and Microsoft has therefore decided to force their hand by warning them. This alert message appeared in the Release Preview of the next update which will be deployed soon. Testers have complained about it, but Microsoft has decided to maintain the display of this watermark.

As it stands, it does not prevent the use Windows 11 and this type of method had already been used in the past when using an unactivated version of Windows. Microsoft then displayed a message and disabled certain functions. This time, we do not know if Microsoft will restrict access to certain functions to allow Windows 11 to run optimally.

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