What is the treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Can hyperactivity and attention deficit go away?

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Almost all children are very active and playful at a young age. Being so active and energetic may sometimes not be taken seriously by parents. However, when activities such as inability to focus, inability to perform a task, or talking too much become persistent along with this mobility, parents may need to consult a specialist doctor about this situation. Mobility and impulsivity that are outside the normal, that is, abnormal, are a situation that must be taken into consideration.

What is the treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

The condition called attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is defined as a neuropsychiatric-based behavioral disorder. This disorder, which is seen starting from childhood, extends into adolescence and adulthood if left untreated. This disease, which manifests itself more at a young age, may cause fewer symptoms at later ages. It is extremely important to first obtain the opinion of a specialist physician to make a diagnosis. After the diagnosis is made, treatment methods are applied under the supervision of experts. The prevalence of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in the population is between five and seven percent.

How is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treated?

Some methods are used in the treatment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Today, there are many treatment methods that are effectively useful. This disorder, also referred to as ADHD, is examined under three different headings. One of these is attention deficit, the other is impulsivity, and the other is hyperactivity. In children or adults with ADHD, only one of these three different headings can be seen, or all of them can be seen. The methods applied within the scope of treatment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder are generally as follows:

  • medical treatment
  • psychoeducation
  • Psychotherapy
  • psychosocial therapy

Can hyperactivity and attention deficit go away?

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is handled under three categories in total: impulsivity, distractibility and hyperactivity. While symptoms such as hyperactivity and impulsivity are more common in childhood, these symptoms may decrease in later periods. However, the problem of attention deficit may become more evident with advancing age.

If this situation is not intervened, many diseases that negatively affect people psychologically may occur. Therefore, early diagnosis is of great benefit in order to completely eliminate the problem of hyperactivity and attention deficit. Because with early diagnosis and correct treatment methods, ADHD disorder can be treated in a very short time. At this point, the question of how long ADHD treatment lasts becomes important for many people. The treatment process varies from individual to individual.

What is good for hyperactivity and attention deficit?

Since attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is a disorder that affects the brain region, it is beneficial to do brain exercises. It is very important to exercise regularly in hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, which is considered a neurodevelopmental disease. While one of these exercises covers physical health, the other covers mental health. This disorder, which is frequently observed in children, has a special importance for many mothers and fathers. Many parents who want to understand whether their children have this disorder can check their children by doing an attention deficit test at home. These tests mostly include questions about children’s behavior.

What happens if a hyperactive child is left untreated?

Children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder need to be treated at the right time. If left untreated, they may experience serious problems in both their social and working lives when they grow up. Since it is a problem that affects not only children but also adults, it is of great importance to treat it on time. If not diagnosed and treated in time, situations that negatively affect mental health may occur, such as leading an unhealthy life, frequently dealing with disappointment, failure, and lack of self-confidence. Therefore, it is very important for the future of individuals to consult a specialist physician without wasting time.
