What is the Swedish diet and how is it done? How many kilos can be lost in 1 week with the Swedish diet?

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While the Swedish Diet may seem tempting with its promise of rapid weight loss, experts recommend considering sustainability and health risks. A healthy, balanced eating plan can be a more reliable way to lose weight and support your long-term health goals.

What is the Swedish diet?

The Swedish diet generally means a low-carb, high-fat diet. Low-carb diets generally aim to put the body into a state called ketosis by limiting carbohydrate intake. In this case, the body begins to use fats as energy. High fat content is also often part of this type of diet, and healthy fats come from sources such as avocados, olive oil, oily fish.

How to do the Swedish diet?

The Swedish diet generally refers to a low-carb, high-fat nutritional approach. If you want to follow a nutritional approach commonly referred to as the Swedish diet, you can pay attention to the following general principles:

  • The Swedish diet generally limits carbohydrate intake. It is recommended to avoid white flour, sugar and processed foods and choose whole grain products, vegetables and low glycemic index fruits instead.
  • This diet emphasizes including healthy fats. You can focus on healthy fat sources like olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and oily fish.
  • It is important to maintain and maintain your protein intake. You can focus on a variety of protein sources, such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy, and plant-based proteins.
  • The Swedish diet generally recommends avoiding processed foods. Preparing your own meals and controlling ingredients can support healthy eating.

Remember that everyone’s body structure is different and it is important to consult a health professional or nutritionist before following any diet. Additionally, it is important to evaluate long-term health effects and take a personalized approach.

How many kilos can be lost in 1 week with the Swedish diet?

Since everyone’s body structure is different, the speed of weight loss varies depending on personal factors. The rate of weight loss with the Swedish diet or any other diet depends on many factors, including a person’s current weight, genetic factors, age, gender, physical activity level and general health.

Some people may lose weight quickly, while others may lose weight at a slower pace. Additionally, rapid weight loss can often result from dehydration and is not important for long-term sustainable weight loss. So if you have a weight loss goal with the Swedish diet or any other diet, it is important to approach this process with patience and sustainably. It is also important to remember that lifestyle changes such as healthy eating and regular exercise are also important in the weight loss process.

What to eat on the Swedish diet?

The Swedish diet is a 13-day diet and contains an average of 1000 calories per day. This diet restricts calorie intake and is rich in protein to help you lose weight. On the Swedish diet, you can consume the following foods:

  • Protein: Chicken, fish, lean red meat, eggs, nuts and seeds
  • Vegetables: All vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables
  • Fruits: All fruits, especially low-calorie fruits
  • Fats: Olive oil, avocado oil, hazelnut oil
  • Dairy products: Skim milk, yoghurt, kefir

An example menu on the Swedish diet:


  • 1 bowl of fat-free yoghurt
  • 1/2 cup fruit
  • 1/2 handful of walnuts


  • 3 ounces lean chicken or fish
  • 1/2 cup vegetables
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal

Evening meal:

  • 4 ounces lean red meat
  • 1/2 cup vegetables
  • 1/2 cup spinach


  • 1 apple
  • 1/4 cup unfatted hazelnuts

When following the Swedish diet, it is important to drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.

What is prohibited in the Swedish diet?

Sugary drinks are high in calories and will not help you lose weight. Additionally, they can cause tooth decay and other health problems. When following the Swedish diet, it is recommended to drink water, unsweetened tea or coffee instead of sugary drinks. Processed foods are often high in sugar, fat and salt. This can cause weight gain and other health problems.

It is recommended that you avoid processed foods while following the Swedish diet. Instead, choose whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, protein sources and healthy fats. Alcohol is high in calories and can make it difficult for you to lose weight. Additionally, it can cause liver damage and other health problems. While following the Swedish diet, it is recommended that you avoid alcohol.

Can you drink Turkish coffee on the Swedish diet?

Restrictive diets, such as the Swedish Diet, often have specific food and drink options. Generally, in such diets, the use of beverages such as coffee and especially Turkish coffee is restricted. Since the Swedish Diet includes limited food options, especially at breakfast, drinks such as Turkish coffee may not comply with the restrictions of this diet.

Does the Swedish diet work?

Very restrictive, low-calorie diets, such as the Swedish Diet, can provide short-term weight loss. However, much of this weight loss may be due to dehydration or decreased muscle mass. Such diets may promise quick results, but they are unhealthy and unsustainable. They are especially not recommended for long-term use because such diets lack sustainability and have health risks. Additionally, rapid weight loss may have negative side effects such as sagging skin, muscle loss, and slowing down metabolism.

How many days is the Swedish diet minimum?

Restrictive diets, such as the Swedish diet, are usually followed for 13 days. This 13-day period of the diet involves following a specific meal plan and calorie limitations. There is a special meal plan for each day and a menu limited to certain foods. An important point is that the Swedish Diet is recommended for only 13 days. Administration for a longer period of time may cause health problems and may not be sustainable. Additionally, the Swedish Diet or similar restrictive diets may not have long-term health benefits, and weight loss results are often short-term.

Is the Swedish diet difficult?

The Swedish diet, which is quite difficult to implement, is applied for 13 days and it is recommended that you do not quit until the 6th day. The average daily calorie need of an adult man is around 2400 calories and that of an adult woman is around 2000 calories. In the Swedish diet, daily calorie intake is reduced to 600-1000 calories
