What is the solar plexus chakra? What does the solar plexus chakra do?

A balanced solar plexus chakra can help a person act decisively, establish healthy relationships with others, and develop leadership qualities. Additionally, this chakra can increase a person’s inner strength and motivation. However, when this chakra is unbalanced, the person may experience problems such as lack of self-confidence, indecisiveness, outbursts of anger or loss of control. Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, positive affirmations and self-confidence-increasing activities can be done to balance and open the solar plexus chakra. This can revitalize one’s inner strength and increase self-confidence. Working in balance with the solar plexus chakra can help a person feel more freedom and success in their life.

Which chakra is the solar plexus considered?

The solar plexus chakra is located approximately four fingers above the belly button and has yellow energy. This chakra is associated with willpower, self-confidence, determination and feelings of inner strength. If the solar plexus chakra is blocked, the person may feel weak, indecisive and insecure. For the question “What does the solar plexus do?”, the basic functions of the solar plexus chakra are:

  • Increase willpower and determination
  • Improving self-confidence and self-esteem
  • To enable the person to realize his/her own inner strength
  • Helping the person achieve their goals

Opening the solar plexus chakra has a positive effect on a person’s physical, emotional and spiritual health. Having the solar plexus chakra open helps increase a person’s willpower and determination. It also helps develop a person’s self-confidence.

Why does the solar plexus chakra get blocked?

The solar plexus chakra is one of the energy centers of the body and is considered the third chakra. This chakra is located below the stomach area, just above the navel level, and is called “Manipura” in Sanskrit. The solar plexus chakra is associated with self-esteem, willpower, personal identity and self-expression. This chakra helps a person increase his self-confidence, act decisively and express himself. The solar plexus chakra can become blocked or unbalanced for various reasons. Some reasons why the solar plexus chakra closes or becomes unbalanced:

  • Emotional traumas, especially those experienced during childhood, can cause the solar plexus chakra to become blocked.
  • Traumatic experiences can cause a person to experience self-esteem issues and insecurity.
  • Insecurity, low self-esteem, and feeling worthless can cause the solar plexus chakra to become unbalanced.
  • Intense stress, feeling under pressure, and feelings of loss of control can block the solar plexus chakra.
  • Lack of emotional expression or inability to express emotional needs can lead to this chakra becoming unbalanced.
  • Overly controlling behavior or trying to control others can block the solar plexus chakra.
  • An unhealthy diet or malnutrition can block the energy flow of the solar plexus chakra.
  • Traumatic experiences such as accidents, bad relationships, or job losses can affect the solar plexus chakra.

How to balance the solar plexus chakra?

You can meditate regularly to balance the solar plexus chakra. During meditation, focus on the solar plexus chakra and try to release the energy in this area. Yoga poses and exercises can help balance the solar plexus chakra. Especially poses that strengthen the abdominal area focus on this chakra. Taking deep breaths and using conscious breathing techniques can activate the energy of the solar plexus chakra. You can use positive affirmations to balance the solar plexus chakra. You can use expressions such as “I am confident in myself” to increase your self-confidence.

Developing a healthy and balanced eating habit can help the solar plexus chakra function healthily. Consuming especially yellow colored foods can support this chakra. You can balance the solar plexus chakra by increasing self-confidence and expressing your emotions. You can use essential oils such as sandalwood, lavender or bergamot to balance the solar plexus chakra. The color yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra. Wearing yellow clothing or working with a yellow chakra can help balance this chakra. “What should be done if the solar plexus chakra is closed?” We can briefly make the following suggestions for this question:

  • Meditation
  • breathing techniques
  • color therapy
  • aromatherapy
  • Massage
  • Exercises such as yoga and tai chi

Which stone can balance the solar plexus chakra?

Various stones can be used to balance and activate the solar plexus chakra. Some stones that can help balance the solar plexus chakra:

  • Citrine is considered the stone of the solar plexus chakra. It increases self-confidence, supports willpower and attracts positive energy.
  • Sapphire can increase self-esteem, encourage motivation, and support mental clarity.
  • Gold stone or golden obsidian can help increase self-esteem and strengthen personal power.
  • Amethyst can help clear negative emotional energy and promote inner balance.
  • Karneol can increase personal strength, increase self-confidence and encourage creativity.
  • Sunstone can increase self-esteem, attract positive energy and encourage motivation.
