What is the range of an electric scooter?

What is the range of an electric scooter

Quiet, clean and easy to maintain, the electric scooter is on the rise and could very well replace your old thermal two-wheeler for your daily trips. Make sure, however, of the battery life.

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Like batteries car, those of electric scooters are composed of Lithium-ion and Lithium-polymer. The operation is relatively traditional, it will suffice to connect the scooter to recharge the cells. The batteries of electric scooters weigh on average 10 to 12 kg. some models of electric scooters have two.

What criteria to take into account?

Over the years the battery life has increased. However, the communications of the manufacturers are sometimes misleading and far from reality. This is of course the maximum autonomy in the best conditions.

Among the criteria to be taken into account, let us first note the power of the engine. The 125 CC models are indeed more autonomous than the 50 CC. The weight of the scooter (generally around a hundred kilos), but also that of the driver are also determining factors.

the electric scooter has several driving modes. To gain autonomy, you must activate theeco driving and reduce hard braking as well as acceleration and deceleration phases.

The range of the scooter also depends on other factors, such as the difference in level of the road, the pressure tires or even the outside temperature. Indeed, lithium-ion batteries work optimally between 0 and 45 ° C. In the event of a drop in temperature, the electrons Li + lose their mobility in the electrolyte. Besides, the charging time will be higher.

For example, the popular brand Niu announces a maximum range of 170 km for its NGT model. However, this applies to drivers weighing 50 kg, with an economy mode ofenergy activated and an ambient temperature of 25 ° C.

Calculate the range of a scooter

There are autonomy simulators online such as this one. Just select a model and complete the criteria.

For the same NIU NGT model with a mixed driving mode, a driver’s weight of 60 to 80 kg and a temperature between 0 ° C and 15 ° C, the range then increases to 105 km.

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