What is the postpartum hemorrhage witnessed by a young mother in Married at first sight?

What is the postpartum hemorrhage witnessed by a young mother

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    In the program on Monday March 28, Emilie testifies to the complications of her delivery. She almost died from a postpartum hemorrhage. We tell you more about this phenomenon.

    “When I gave birth, I had a haemorrhage. I almost died with my family,” confides Émilie, new candidate for the show Married at first sight broadcast Monday March 28 on M6. The young mother testifies to the complications she experienced during her delivery. A phenomenon called Post-Partum Hemorrhage (PPH) which would concern 6% of deliveries today.

    What is postpartum hemorrhage?

    Once the baby is born, hemorrhage can occur within 24 hours of delivery. In general, this type of hemorrhage is detected within two hours of delivery. If blood loss is normal after delivery, postpartum hemorrhage is recognized by the amount of blood spilled. “A hemorrhage is said to be severe if these losses reach 1,000 ml and 1,500 ml respectively”explains Dr. Françoise Vendittelli, obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Follow your pregnancy week by week

    Some pregnancies are at risk

    To prevent this risk, measures are taken in hospitals and are aimed at all women. It is even possible to identify them upstream. “Situations with a foreseeable risk are mainly women presenting at the last ultrasound with placenta previa (located in front of the cervix) or suspected placenta accreta (adhering abnormally to the uterus)”, says Professor Bruno Carbonne, head of the obstetrics unit at the Trousseau maternity unit. “These high-risk patients will be referred to a maternity unit benefiting from the most suitable technical platform.

    Management of postpartum hemorrhage

    To stop it,” the medical team will explore the uterus by hand to remove remnants of the placenta (uterine revision) or the entire placenta (artificial delivery). This gesture is performed under epidural or, if necessary, under general anesthesia. It is associated with an infusion of oxytocin to promote retraction of the uterus. The vast majority of hemorrhages stop there. summarizes the gynecologist. If bleeding persists, medication is given.
