what is the new France 2 series about?

what is the new France 2 series about

(ALMOST) PERFECT LOVE. France 2 broadcasts from January 19, 2022 the romantic series “(Almost) perfect love” with Maud Baecker, Tom Leeb, Nadia Roz and Isabelle Vitari.

[Mis à jour le 19 janvier 2022 à 14h00] L’amour (almost) parfait is the latest romantic series from France 2. This comedy to the tunes of French Bridget Jones features Jul, 36, who only dreams of marriage. Clumsy as possible, a phone call changes her life: a certain Max, who looks like the perfect man, asks her to marry him, which upsets Julie… Until she realizes that the phone is not his. With the help of her friends, the heroine decides to find this stranger and seduce him. In the meantime, she goes into a roommate with Stéphane, a real blunderer who made her believe he was gay to reassure her.

The (almost) perfect love offers viewers a real love puzzle that is sure to seduce lovers of romantic comedies. Season 1 consists of six episodes. The broadcast on France 2 begins on January 19, at 9:10 p.m. Spectators will be able to follow Jul’s adventures every Wednesday until February 2, 2022.
