What is the metaverse? What are the games?

What is the metaverse What are the games

What is the Metaverse that came into our lives all of a sudden? Is something that is shown so important just a project for someone to make money, or is it really a technology that will make humanity’s job easier?

We want to answer “What is the metaverse?” is far from being the subject of a single article. When we look back about 70 years, we can see his first works. Although the first VR device works seem to be 1956, it has a conceptual history of almost 200 years.

The real story began in 1838 when scientist Sir Charles Wheatstone outlined the concept of “binocular vision”, where you combine two images to create a single 3D image. This concept led to the development of stereoscopes, a technology in which you use the illusion of depth to create an image. This is the same concept used in modern virtual reality glasses today.

Mark Zuckerberg’s use of the concept of Metaverse does not mean that he was the first to explain or define it. The term metaverse was first used in Neil Stevenson’s 1982 novel Snow Crash. Stevenson’s metaverse was a virtual place where characters could go to escape a bleak totalitarian reality.

Morton Heilig created the first VR machine, the Sensorama Machine, in 1956. This machine simulated the experience of riding a motorcycle in Brooklyn, combining 3D video with sound, scents and a vibrating chair to immerse the viewer.

What is the metaverse?

Metaverse is literally defined as “a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection”. To make it simpler, we can also call it a 3D version of the internet and information technologies, far from the concept of physical reality.

I can bet that those who made a statement about this concept, which we have talked about and continue to talk about a lot in the past years, were not sure what they were saying at first, and that they did not even know much about it.

However, when all these conversations and the ideas that were put forward gradually came together and started to be eliminated from the unnecessary ones, what could happen in the Metaverse universe began to take shape and form before our eyes.

In the resulting virtual universe, either buy virtual plots or move your real-world meetings there. You can also think of it as a digital world where you can do anything you want, at the scale that technology allows.

In fact, when we look at it in general, we can think of it as a virtual world where the concept of the multiverse, which is widely used in Marvel Movies, will come to life. On the one hand, your real life, on the other hand, your second life where you do what you want.

Second Life

Does this name mean anything to you? The Second Life game released in 2003 was actually doing just that. The number of players was not like that. We can easily say that it is one of the first Metaverse projects to be transferred to the digital environment.

Even though there was no such thing as buying a land, you were buying a house, developing it and making a life for yourself. You could earn money in the game, buy the things you want or need with it, or go out to have fun with your lover. It was one of the first productions where the concept of Metaverse coin was used. You were buying its own currency, the Linden Dollar, with real money.

From this point of view, it seems that the metaverse also has some very dangerous aspects.

How to get metaverse plot?

Since we moved from the houses in Second Life to the plots, we also need to know how these plots were acquired. Owning real estate in the Metaverse is like investing in Bitcoin for a while. The land, which was bought for $ 1,000 a year ago, is now up to $13,000. The lands have multiplied their sales prices incredibly within a year, enabling their investors to make huge profits.

plots, more Decentraland The average price for the smallest plot—two of the largest metaverse platforms—was under $1,000. Today it sits at $13,000.

What is the metaverse?  How to get metaverse plot?

Image credit: Decentraland

Real estates sold with Ethereum can find buyers at very high prices. In our research, we came across prices ranging from 10,000 to 2.4 million Etherium, which we think is a really abnormal price for a pixel in the virtual environment. Even now, the idea of ​​getting a Metaverse plot seems distant now.

However, there are many who see this as an opportunity. Global companies like JP Morgan, HSBC, PwC and Samsung, as well as superstars like Snoop Dog, have already taken over virtual plots of land they are considering developing for various purposes.

Will the meta-universe only be used to buy plots?

When it comes to metaverse and technology, our answer will be “of course not”. It has so many uses that we dig deeper as we research. As it descends, it gets lost in it and the question marks in our minds begin to appear more. However, we will try to explain all this for you.

In order to better understand Metaverse, it is necessary to examine the investing companies. For example the Roblox game. One of the best examples of Metaverse.

Founded in 2004, the platform hosts a plethora of user-created games, including role-playing offerings like Bloxburg and Brookhaven, where users can build houses, work, and play scenarios.

In-game, he worked with skate shoe company Vans to create Vans World, a virtual skate park where players can wear new Vans outfits. The Gucci Shop has also opened, where you can try on and buy clothes and accessories for your virtual personality.

Another example is Nowhere. It has permanent and temporary virtual spaces for holding concerts, festivals, meetings and conferences. He has done projects with Windmill Factory, Lady Gaga, and Nine Inch Nails, a New York production company that started developing the platform more than a year ago.

Is the meta universe safe?

When you think about all this, although the metaverse universe seems limitless, it does not raise questions in terms of security. After all, although you live in a virtual world, you will have to pay real money for your purchases and protect your privacy.

One of the biggest risks in metadata storage will be data security and privacy. Before the metadata warehouse, there were layers of abstraction through the physical world and our carefully balanced interaction through smartphones, computer systems, and applications.

In the metadatabase, there will be significant interaction through artificial and virtual reality systems and a mature data port for targeting will be created. Data collection alone is a major concern for us, with biometric, behavioral, financial, profile information, and built-in treasures of additional personal information.

Metaverse cyberbullying

Image credit: Envato

Also, cyberbullying, ransom scams, and other familiar schemes will quickly move into the meta-world and perhaps make their preparations there before we do. Criminals will be vulnerable in this universe where there are no rules and victims have limited rights.

On the other hand, if the Metaverse becomes reality for the person, it can cause serious psychological problems and social destruction. For this reason, you should always think twice before getting involved.

How to enter the metaverse?

Since meta universes will consist of digital environments, you can guess that there will be more than one house. First you need to determine your universe. For our Metaverse entry, we’ll take Decentraland as an example and explain to you how you can experience it into the Metaverse.

You will need a computer and crypto wallet to access the platform. Smartphones and most computers can be used to access it. However, companies such as Samsung and Facebook, which think that they do not have enough power to provide the best performance, are focused on hardware development in this area.

  • You will need an avatar to get started. You can create this avatar as you wish. You can adjust eye color, weight, height, everything. You can choose the clothes, enter the personality you want to be.
  • Now that you’ve created your avatar, it’s time to explore the world. Those who enter are included in Genesis Plazas. From here, all you have to do is teleport to get the activity you want. Whether you’re going to a concert or to the Arcade hall to play a game.
  • It also offers various opportunities to socialize. Of course, the benefits don’t just stop there. If you need a psychologist, he is just a click away.

meta universe games

Actually, it sounds like a game, doesn’t it? After all, you will be included in a universe and you will use the applications in it. We wouldn’t be going too far if we told you that “there are meta-universes created as games”. Here are some of the popular meta universe games:

  • Axie Infinity
  • Decentraland
  • sandbox
  • illuvium
  • Chain of Alliance
  • My Neighbor Alice
  • Krystopia
  • Alien Worlds
  • Farmers World
  • Prospectors


Cashify Metaverse Page
Wikipedia Metaverse Page
