What is the Mandela Effect? – Cepholic

What is the Mandela Effect Cepholic

With the development of technology, many new words enter our lives. The Mandela effect, which is a very popular word especially recently, leaves a big question mark in people’s minds. In today’s article, we will tell you about the Mandela effect.

The Mandela effect, which was introduced as a crazy idea in 2010, has recently started to appear more frequently. The Mandela effect is a name given to a situation where not just one or a few people, but a large community around the world, completely misremembers existing information.

The Mandela effect is named after Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela, who is believed to have died in a prison in the 1980s, actually died in 2013. Although this situation may seem quite normal, many people have expressed that he actually died in 1980 and they were surprised by this situation. After this event, societies misremember some events and these events are generally called the Mandela effect.

Examples of the Mandela Effect

  • Remember the logo of the cheese brand La vache qui rit. If you remember that the cow has a huge ring on its nose, the speed you remember never existed.
  • The black dot on the tail of the Pikachu character in the Pokemon cartoon has never been.
mandela effect
  • Many people remember the famous TV series as Sex in the City, but the truth is Sex and the City.
  • Although we remember that there is a line between two words in the logo of Kit Kat chocolates, there is actually no line.
mandela effect
  • There are millions of people who claim and are very sure that the man in the Monopoly logo has a lens in his eye, but the man in the logo has never had a lens in his eye.
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  • If you remember Popeye’s only arm tattooed, you’re wrong. He has the same tattoo on both arms.

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