What is the MAL blood group and who has the MAL blood group? MAL stands for blood group

MAL blood group is generally seen in some animal species, especially mammals such as cattle. This blood type, which is very rare in humans, is associated with certain genetic conditions. Although it may occur rarely due to genetic transmission, it is not a common blood type in the human population. MAL blood group ranks 47th among blood groups and stands for Myelin and Lymphocyte protein.

What is the MAL blood group?

As a result of nearly 50 years of research, British scientists discovered a new blood group system in humans thanks to molecular deficiency. MAL blood group It is one of the very rare blood groups in humans. After the existence of an antigen called AnWj, discovered in 1972, it was determined that this antigen was associated with the MAL protein. Although its genetic structure and how it functions were unknown for many years, researchers found that the antigen was carried on the MAL protein, and a new blood group system, the MAL blood group, emerged. The MAL protein also plays an important role in keeping cell membranes stable and aiding cell transport.

What does MAL blood group stand for?

Blood groups have a very complex structure. The most well-known blood groups are A Rh + and AB Rh +. There are 47 recognized blood group systems so far. The MAL blood group, which ranks 47th among these blood groups, was discovered in 1972.

This new blood group system, which hosts the AnWj antigen whose genetic background is unknown until now, allows the identification and treatment of rare patients. In humans, there are proteins called antigens on the outside of red blood cells. But a small group of people lack these proteins. As a result of their research in laboratories, scientists found a test to detect patients lacking this antigen, making it easier to find donors for the rare MAL blood type.

MAL stands for blood group It means myelin and lymphocyte protein. The MAL blood group takes its name from the AnWj antigen associated with these proteins.

What are the characteristics of MAL blood group?

It is estimated that more than 99.9 percent of people worldwide are AnWj-positive. Since the AnWj antigen carries the MAL protein, this 99.9 percent of people have a full-length MAL protein in their red blood cells. However, AnWj-negative individuals do not have this protein in their cells. MAL blood group characteristics Among them is the absence of this protein. The most common causes of this condition include hematological disorders and some types of cancer. Although very rare, genetic reasons can also cause this condition.

Who has the MAL blood group?

MAL blood group is among the blood groups that appear very rarely in humans. Since individuals with this blood group are generally AnWj-negative, they have the MAL blood group. In positive individuals, the MAL protein is present in full length in their red blood cells. However, since this protein is not present in the cells of negative individuals, this new blood group is seen. Individuals who are AnWj-negative are generally individuals with hematological disorders. Some types of cancer also cause an individual to have this blood type.
