What is the ideal temperature at home?

What is the ideal temperature at home

During the colder months of the year, at what temperature should you program your heating? It depends on each one: whether you are cautious or not, whether you are active or inactive, etc. The recommended ideal temperature at home is 19 ° C, but it also depends on the rooms.

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The ideal temperature at home depends on several criteria and also on the room you occupy. Indeed, the recommended temperature, called “comfort”, is not the same for a living room, a bathroom, a room for adults or for babies. In addition, some people are more cautious than others, depending on their state of health or not.

The feeling of temperatures will also depend on the insulation of your house or apartment, the type of heating chosen, circulation ofair and the humidity level, which varies according to the orientation of the rooms and, of course, seasons.

Turning up the heat by one degree means 7% more consumption

For’Ademe (French Agency for the Environment andenergy), the ideal temperature at home is 19 ° C, but this may not be right for everyone. She recalls that increasing it by one degree represents 7% more consumption, which, in the end, after several months ofwinter, will be felt on the bill.

Room by room, according to their uses, here are the recommended temperatures:

  • 18 ° C in a living room or dining room,
  • 16 ° C in the rooms (the comfort temperature is 18 ° C),
  • between 18 and 21 ° C in the baby’s room,
  • 22 ° C in the bathroom.

Depending on the time of absence, a temperature of:

  • 16 ° C in case of absence during the day,
  • 12 to 14 ° C in the event of prolonged absence.

To maintain this ideal temperature in winter, it should be adapted to the outside temperatures, with a thermostat, according to the hours and days. See in this regard ” how to regulate your electric heating? “.

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